Comyns | London Silvermakers

Found 218 For Sale and Sold    ( 26 for sale )  
William Comyns London 1909 Silver Carriage Clock£950 $1189.69   €1140.29 William Comyns London 1909 Silver Carriage ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Art Deco William Comyns Solid Silver Round Box£176 $220.4   €211.25 Art Deco William Comyns Solid Silver Round BoxMy Antique Silver Edwardian Silver & Tortoise Shell Ring Box  Edwardian Silver & Tortoise Shell Ring BoxKingsdown Antiques Heart Shaped Silver Mounted Jewellery Box.£290 $363.17   €348.09 Heart Shaped Silver Mounted Jewellery Box.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Silver Photograph Frame By William Comyns - Heart£435 $544.75   €522.13 Silver Photograph Frame By William Comyns - HeartPuckerings Antiques Silver Jewellery Box By William Comyns.  Silver Jewellery Box By William Comyns.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre 6 Piece Silver Dressing Table Set Ldn.1950-51   6 Piece Silver Dressing Table Set Ldn.1950-51 Goodwin Antiques Victorian Silver Bon Bon Dish£55 $68.88   €66.02 Victorian Silver Bon Bon DishChapman Antiques
Antique English Sterling Silver Ring Tree - 1903£140 $175.32   €168.04 Antique English Sterling Silver Ring Tree - 1903Puckerings Antiques Early 20th Century Silver Topped Scent Bottle  Early 20th Century Silver Topped Scent BottleKingsdown Antiques Lovely Silver Cased Scent Bottle,Ldn.1892.W.Comyns£475.00 $594.84   €570.14 Lovely Silver Cased Scent Bottle,Ldn.1892.W.ComynsGoodwin Antiques William Comyns Coffee Can & Saucer, 1894£50 $62.62   €60.02 William Comyns Coffee Can & Saucer, 1894Osbourne Antiques
Victorian Silver Table Snuff Box, Trinket Box£245 $306.81   €294.07 Victorian Silver Table Snuff Box, Trinket BoxWestbank Antiques Edwardian Silver Perfume Bottle£135 $169.06   €162.04 Edwardian Silver Perfume BottleOsbourne Antiques Silver Travel Soap Box By William Comyns - 1898£395 $494.66   €474.12 Silver Travel Soap Box By William Comyns - 1898Puckerings Antiques Fine Pair Silver Clad Perfume Bottles By Comyns  Fine Pair Silver Clad Perfume Bottles By ComynsPuckerings Antiques
Victorian Silver Holder, William Comyns 1898£125 $156.54   €150.04 Victorian Silver Holder, William Comyns 1898Osbourne Antiques Antique Silver And Tortoiseshell Ring / Jewel Box  Antique Silver And Tortoiseshell Ring / Jewel BoxPuckerings Antiques  Victorian Solid Silver Snuff Box By William Comyns£180 $225.41   €216.05 Victorian Solid Silver Snuff Box By William ComynsBlackwood Antiques W Comyns Silver & Black Morocco-leather Box£120 $150.28   €144.04 W Comyns Silver & Black Morocco-leather BoxBlackwood Antiques
Large Silver Mounted Inkwell By William Comyns£395 $494.66   €474.12 Large Silver Mounted Inkwell By William ComynsPuckerings Antiques William Comyns Coffee Can & Saucer, 1909  William Comyns Coffee Can & Saucer, 1909Penrose Antiques A Late Victorian Silver Buckle Featuring Cherubs £110 $137.75   €132.03 A Late Victorian Silver Buckle Featuring Cherubs Guy Ellis Antiques Heart Shape Silver Dressing Mirror William Comyns  Heart Shape Silver Dressing Mirror William ComynsThe Fancy Fox
Antique Victorian Sterling Silver Ring Dish£80 $100.18   €96.02 Antique Victorian Sterling Silver Ring DishGuy Ellis Antiques Magnificent W Comyns Silver Wedding Box 1910£495 $619.89   €594.15 Magnificent W Comyns Silver Wedding Box 1910Blackwood Antiques Pretty Silver Square Tea Canister William Comyns  Pretty Silver Square Tea Canister William ComynsThe Fancy Fox Antique Silver Box - Reynolds Angels - 1896  Antique Silver Box - Reynold's Angels - 1896Puckerings Antiques

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