
Burmantofts pottery was the common trading name of a manufacturer of ceramic pipes and construction materials named after the Burmantofts district of Leeds, England. The business began in 1859 when fine clay was discovered in a coal mine owned by William Wilcox and John Lassey.

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Late Victorian Burmantofts Ceramic Vase £395 $489.41   €474.43 Late Victorian Burmantofts Ceramic Vase Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Burmantofts Faience Ware Umbrella/Stick Stand £595 $737.21   €714.65 Burmantofts Faience Ware Umbrella/Stick Stand Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Victorian Burmantofts Ceramic Lustre Vase £1200 $1486.8   €1441.32 Victorian Burmantofts Ceramic Lustre Vase Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Late Victorian Burmantofts Ceramic Lustre Monkey.£460 $569.94   €552.51 Late Victorian Burmantofts Ceramic Lustre Monkey.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Victorian Burmantofts Parti Colour Vase. £895 $1108.91   €1074.98 Victorian Burmantofts Parti Colour Vase. Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Large Burmantofts Parti Colour Ceramic Vase £3950 $4894.05   €4744.35 Large Burmantofts Parti Colour Ceramic Vase Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Burmantofts Egyptian Design Ewer.£895 $1108.91   €1074.98 Burmantofts Egyptian Design Ewer.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Burmantofts Sang De Beouf Vase £650 $805.35   €780.72 Burmantofts Sang De Beouf Vase Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Art Nouveau Burmantofts Candlesticks £290 $359.31   €348.32 Art Nouveau Burmantofts Candlesticks Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Late Victorian Burmantofts Frog Pin Dish £595 $737.21   €714.65 Late Victorian Burmantofts Frog Pin Dish Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Late Victorian Burmantofts Faience Ware Vase £650 $805.35   €780.72 Late Victorian Burmantofts Faience Ware Vase Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Late Victorian Burmantofts Ceramic Vase. £390 $483.21   €468.43 Late Victorian Burmantofts Ceramic Vase. Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Late Victorian Burmantofts Ceramic Vase. £325 $402.68   €390.36 Late Victorian Burmantofts Ceramic Vase. Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre  Arts & Crafts Burmantofts Faience Stick Stand£595.00 $737.21   €714.65 Arts & Crafts Burmantofts Faience Stick StandAthey Antiques Late Victorian Burmantofts Ceramic Jardiniere £850 $1053.15   €1020.94 Late Victorian Burmantofts Ceramic Jardiniere Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Burmantofts Ruby Lustre Ceramic Monkey £495 $613.31   €594.54 Burmantofts Ruby Lustre Ceramic Monkey Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Victorian Burmantofts Grotesque Spoon Warmer£595 $737.21   €714.65 Victorian Burmantofts Grotesque Spoon WarmerCarlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Burmantofts Parti - Colour Vase. £325 $402.68   €390.36 Burmantofts Parti - Colour Vase. Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Late Victorian Burmantofts Tree Trunk Vase.£550 $681.45   €660.61 Late Victorian Burmantofts Tree Trunk Vase.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Burmantofts Faience Ovoid Vase£165.00 $204.44   €198.18 Burmantofts Faience Ovoid VaseTerrier Antiques At Hebden Bridge
Art Nouveau Burmantofts Ceramic Jardiniere   Art Nouveau Burmantofts Ceramic Jardiniere Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre 19th Century Leeds Fireclay Co Draughts Board   19th Century Leeds Fireclay Co Draughts Board Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Victorian Burmantofts Turquoise Jardiniere   Victorian Burmantofts Turquoise Jardiniere Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Early Burmantofts Vase With Duelling Frogs   Early Burmantofts Vase With Duelling Frogs Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Late Victorian Burmantofts Ceramic Grotesque.   Late Victorian Burmantofts Ceramic Grotesque. Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Burmantofts Anglo-Persian Design Vase.   Burmantofts Anglo-Persian Design Vase. Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Burmantofts Faience Ware Laughing Bacchus   Burmantofts Faience Ware Laughing Bacchus Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Burmantofts Yellow Faience Ceramic Basilisk   Burmantofts Yellow Faience Ceramic Basilisk Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
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