Haseler Brothers

Haseler Brothers. Birmingham Silversmiths. founded in 1848.

Edward John Haseler & Noble Haseler.

The company went into partnership with Libertys of London for the manufacture of the Cymric range of silverware.

They became Haseler & Restall in 1946.

Found 20 For Sale and Sold    ( 5 for sale )  
Victorian Silver Miniature Milk Churn Pepper Pot£185 $233.86   €223.26 Victorian Silver Miniature Milk Churn Pepper PotThe Fancy Fox Edwardian Silver Cream Jug, Haseler Bros, 1905£250 $316.03   €301.7 Edwardian Silver Cream Jug, Haseler Bros, 1905Burnell And Rowe Rare Hexagonal Silver Vesta Case£129.00 $163.07   €155.68 Rare Hexagonal Silver Vesta CaseTerrier Antiques At Hebden Bridge Edwardian Silver & Bristol Blue Glass Basket£198 $250.29   €238.95 Edwardian Silver & Bristol Blue Glass BasketSturmans Antiques Ltd
Nice Pair Toast Racks Chester 1904£195 $246.5   €235.33 Nice Pair Toast Racks Chester 1904Fernyhough Antiques George V Silver Salt, Haseler Bros, Chester, 1919£65 $82.17   €78.44 George V Silver Salt, Haseler Bros, Chester, 1919Burnell And Rowe Solid Silver Tea Caddy, 1899  Solid Silver Tea Caddy, 1899William Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) Lovely Antique Silver Salt With Cranberry Liner  Lovely Antique Silver Salt With Cranberry LinerWoodbridge Antiques
Vintage Sterling Silver Napkin Ring 1947£40 $50.56   €48.27 Vintage Sterling Silver Napkin Ring 1947Arthur Vandyk Antiques Edwardian Silver Sugar Nips, Chester, 1909£40 $50.56   €48.27 Edwardian Silver Sugar Nips, Chester, 1909Burnell And Rowe Excellent Original Edwardian Silver & Horn Goblet£105 $132.73   €126.71 Excellent Original Edwardian Silver & Horn GobletAntik Dragon Fine Edwardian Silver Cream Jug London 1909  Fine Edwardian Silver Cream Jug London 1909Woodbridge Antiques
Silver Mustard Pot With Blue Liner Chester 1910  Silver Mustard Pot With Blue Liner Chester 1910Woodbridge Antiques Lovely Edwardian Silver Toast Rack - Chester 1908  Lovely Edwardian Silver Toast Rack - Chester 1908Kingsdown Antiques Victorian Silver Jam Spoon, Haseler Bros, 1896£20 $25.28   €24.14 Victorian Silver Jam Spoon, Haseler Bros, 1896Burnell And Rowe Liberty & Co Silver & Enamel Coffee Spoons.£280 $353.95   €337.9 Liberty & Co Silver & Enamel Coffee Spoons.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Superb Set Of 4 Victorian Silver Egg Cups£145 $183.29   €174.99 Superb Set Of 4 Victorian Silver Egg CupsSemper Silver Of Norfolk Edwardian Silver Aesthetic Movement Posy Vase£160 $202.26   €193.09 Edwardian Silver Aesthetic Movement Posy VaseGuy Ellis Antiques Victorian Silver Sugar Sifter, London, 1897£49.00 $61.94   €59.13 Victorian Silver Sugar Sifter, London, 1897Village-on-the-web Ltd Antique English Sterling Silver Sugar Basket 1900£395 $499.32   €476.69 Antique English Sterling Silver Sugar Basket 1900Puckerings Antiques

  • Haseler Brothers
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