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Limoges Pate Sur Pate Plaque Of A Dancing Girl£225 $281.77   €270.07 Limoges Pate Sur Pate Plaque Of A Dancing GirlTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts Antique Limoges Enamelled Framed Plaque C 1910£425 $532.23   €510.13 Antique Limoges Enamelled Framed Plaque C 1910Robert Belcher Antiques Antique Limoges Plaque £375 $469.61   €450.11 Antique Limoges Plaque Select Antiques Limoges Pate Sur Pate Plaque Of A Dancing Girl£185 $231.68   €222.06 Limoges Pate Sur Pate Plaque Of A Dancing GirlTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts
Limoges Le Tallec, Paris Porcelain Box, Gilt£155 $194.11   €186.05 Limoges Le Tallec, Paris Porcelain Box, GiltJacachet Decorative Antiques And Interiors Limoges Enamel Mantel Clock For Tiffany£2600.00 $3255.98   €3120.78 Limoges Enamel Mantel Clock For TiffanyLemon Tree Antiques Art Deco Limoges Enamel Pendant. £320 $400.74   €384.1 Art Deco Limoges Enamel Pendant. Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Limoges France 21 Piece Tea /Coffee Set£225.00 $281.77   €270.07 Limoges France 21 Piece Tea /Coffee SetMelbourne Antiques
Theodore Haviland Limoges Porcelain Tea Service£230 $288.03   €276.07 Theodore Haviland Limoges Porcelain Tea ServiceBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds) Tall French Limoges Pate-Sur-Pate Vase C1880£295 $369.43   €354.09 Tall French Limoges Pate-Sur-Pate Vase C1880Antique Ethos Beautiful Vintage Limoges Jewellery Casket£225 $281.77   €270.07 Beautiful Vintage Limoges Jewellery CasketAntik Dragon Antique Limoges Plate£40.00 $50.09   €48.01 Antique Limoges PlateYore Antiques
Antique Porcelain Limoges Plate£35.00 $43.83   €42.01 Antique Porcelain Limoges PlateYore Antiques Antique Limoges Decorative Butterfly Plate£45.00 $56.35   €54.01 Antique Limoges Decorative Butterfly PlateYore Antiques Antique Style Limoges Cabinet Plate£15 $18.78   €18 Antique Style Limoges Cabinet PlateThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Antique Lovely Quality Limoges Centre Dish£68 $85.16   €81.62 Antique Lovely Quality Limoges Centre DishThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge
Limoges Coffee Can And Saucer£28.00 $35.06   €33.61 Limoges Coffee Can And SaucerMelbourne Antiques Limoges Ceralene Cup And Saucer£22.00 $27.55   €26.41 Limoges Ceralene Cup And SaucerMelbourne Antiques Limoges Copper Art Deco Bracelet Set£225 $281.77   €270.07 Limoges Copper Art Deco Bracelet SetAntique Furniture Glasgow Antique Limoges Hand Painted Scalloped Bowl£65.00 $81.4   €78.02 Antique Limoges Hand Painted Scalloped BowlMelbourne Antiques
Antique G D & Cie Limoges France.Cabinet Plate£28.00 $35.06   €33.61 Antique G D & Cie Limoges France.Cabinet PlateMelbourne Antiques Antique Limoges Rococo Style Tea/Coffee Pot£38.00 $47.59   €45.61 Antique Limoges Rococo Style Tea/Coffee PotMelbourne Antiques C19th Limoges Haviland Large Platter Serving Dish£150.00 $187.85   €180.05 C19th Limoges Haviland Large Platter Serving DishSlades Antiques Limoges Porcelain Table Lamp£120 $150.28   €144.04 Limoges Porcelain Table LampBelle Antiques
Limoges Signed & Hand-painted Urn Shaped Vase£58.00 $72.63   €69.62 Limoges Signed & Hand-painted Urn Shaped VaseStudio RT Ltd Fine Pair Of Limoges Porcelain Busts£190 $237.94   €228.06 Fine Pair Of Limoges Porcelain BustsAntiques On Sea Limoges Porcelain White And Gold Plate£85.00 $106.45   €102.03 Limoges Porcelain White And Gold PlateYore Antiques Antique French Limoges Enamel Jewelry Box C.1850£1475 $1847.14   €1770.44 Antique French Limoges Enamel Jewelry Box C.1850Puckerings Antiques
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