
Gorham Manufacturing Co, Rhode Island, USA and also

Gorham - Sterling Works, Barr St, Birmingham

Found 28 For Sale and Sold    ( 5 for sale )  
Silver Napkin Ring£40 $50.51   €48.5 Silver Napkin RingRecess Antiques Gorham Sterling  Silver Noahs  Ark Plate, Bowl & Cup£1075.00 $1357.51   €1303.44 Gorham Sterling Silver Noahs Ark Plate, Bowl & CupD.J. Massey And Son Art Nouveau Silver Trinket Dish, Gorham, 1904£125 $157.85   €151.56 Art Nouveau Silver Trinket Dish, Gorham, 1904Burnell And Rowe Gorham Fleur De Siecles£195.00 $246.25   €236.44 Gorham Fleur De SieclesJunk Antiques And Interiors
American Small Chamberstick£145 $183.11   €175.81 American Small ChamberstickRecess Antiques Vintage Silver Napkin Ring With Plane, Gorham C.1940s/50s£45 $56.83   €54.56 Vintage Silver Napkin Ring With Plane, Gorham C.1940s/50sBurnell And Rowe Early 20th C Silver Chantilly Sifter Spoon, Gorham£40 $50.51   €48.5 Early 20th C Silver Chantilly Sifter Spoon, GorhamBurnell And Rowe Pair Of Gorham Solid Silver Bon Bon Baskets  Pair Of Gorham Solid Silver Bon Bon BasketsWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques)
Gorham Chantilly Silver Fish Serving Fork£90 $113.65   €109.13 Gorham Chantilly Silver Fish Serving ForkBurnell And Rowe Gorham Chantilly Large Silver Serving Spoon£130 $164.16   €157.63 Gorham Chantilly Large Silver Serving SpoonBurnell And Rowe Pair Of Plain Silver Napkin Rings Birm 1919  Pair Of Plain Silver Napkin Rings Birm' 1919Woodbridge Antiques Pair Of Edwardian Silver Pin Dishes – 1909£48 $60.61   €58.2 Pair Of Edwardian Silver Pin Dishes – 1909SW15 Collectables
George V Silver Salt & Pepper, Gorham, 1910/11£120 $151.54   €145.5 George V Silver Salt & Pepper, Gorham, 1910/11Burnell And Rowe Gorham Shrapnel Shell Cocktail Shaker / Bar Set   Gorham Shrapnel Shell Cocktail Shaker / Bar Set Puckerings Antiques George V Silver Mustard Pot, Gorham, Bham, 1919£55 $69.45   €66.69 George V Silver Mustard Pot, Gorham, B'ham, 1919Burnell And Rowe Sterling Silver Caddy Spoon, Gorham, 1919£55 $69.45   €66.69 Sterling Silver Caddy Spoon, Gorham, 1919Burnell And Rowe
Sterling Silver Gorham Cheese Or Marrow Scoop£125.00 $157.85   €151.56 Sterling Silver Gorham Cheese Or Marrow ScoopSlades Antiques Sterling Silver Gorham Childs Nursery Plate£250.00 $315.7   €303.13 Sterling Silver Gorham Child's Nursery PlateSlades Antiques Antique Sterling Silver Pierced Sided Circular Salt Cellars£195 $246.25   €236.44 Antique Sterling Silver Pierced Sided Circular Salt CellarsGraver Antiques Decorative Objects George V Art Deco Silver Christening Tankard£160 $202.05   €194 George V Art Deco Silver Christening TankardSemper Silver Of Norfolk
Antique English Sterling Silver Photograph Frame  Antique English Sterling Silver Photograph FramePuckerings Antiques Set Of Six Cased Silver Teaspoons£42 $53.04   €50.93 Set Of Six Cased Silver TeaspoonsChapman Antiques Gorham Silver Demi-Tasse Plymouth Coffee Set  Gorham Silver Demi-Tasse Plymouth Coffee SetThe Fancy Fox American Sterling Silver Sugar Sifter Spoon   American Sterling Silver Sugar Sifter Spoon Kingsdown Antiques
American Sterling Silver Fruit Bowl By Gorham 1911£295 $372.53   €357.69 American Sterling Silver Fruit Bowl By Gorham 1911Carse Antiques And Restoration Gorham Silver (USA) Card Case, C1852-1865£185.00 $233.62   €224.31 Gorham Silver (USA) Card Case, C1852-1865Village-on-the-web Ltd Victorian Style Gorham Chamber Stick£95 $119.97   €115.19 Victorian Style Gorham Chamber StickGuy Ellis Antiques Rare Novelty Antique Solid Silver Yoyo C1910£190 $239.93   €230.38 Rare Novelty Antique Solid Silver Yoyo C1910Blackwood Antiques

  • Gorham
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