Whitefriars Art Glass

Whitefriars Glass also known as James Powell and Sons, were English glassmakers, leadlighters and stained glass window manufacturers.

The Whitefriars Glass Company is a small glassworks off Fleet Street in London, believed to have been established in 1680. It was bought by James Powell in 1834. James Powell and his two sons soon became world leaders in their field as glassmakers. The firm's production diversified in the 1850s to include domestic table glass after supplying the glassware for William Morris's Red House.

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Whitefriars TV Vase By Geoffrey Baxter£695 $870.35   €834.21 Whitefriars TV Vase By Geoffrey BaxterRecess Antiques Whitefriars Greek Key Vase By Geoffrey Baxter£295 $369.43   €354.09 Whitefriars Greek Key Vase By Geoffrey BaxterRecess Antiques Geoffrey Baxter For Whitefriars Drunken Bricklayer£550.00 $688.77   €660.17 Geoffrey Baxter For Whitefriars Drunken BricklayerCeltic Antiques Whitefriars Peter Wheeler Smoked Glass Pitcher£35 $43.83   €42.01 Whitefriars Peter Wheeler Smoked Glass PitcherVladds Interiors
Whitefriars Kingfisher Blue Jug£25 $31.31   €30.01 Whitefriars Kingfisher Blue JugVladds Interiors Whitefriars Knobbly Aqua Bowl£40 $50.09   €48.01 Whitefriars Knobbly Aqua BowlVladds Interiors Whitefriars Amber Molar Bowl£35 $43.83   €42.01 Whitefriars Amber Molar BowlVladds Interiors Whitefriars Ruby Red Lobed Bowl£50 $62.62   €60.02 Whitefriars Ruby Red Lobed BowlVladds Interiors
Whitefriars Five Sided Lobed Bowl £50 $62.62   €60.02 Whitefriars Five Sided Lobed Bowl Vladds Interiors Retro Wedgwood Glass Vase£65.00 $81.4   €78.02 Retro Wedgwood Glass VaseYore Antiques Whitefriars Glass Molar Bowl£45.00 $56.35   €54.01 Whitefriars Glass Molar BowlYore Antiques Whitefriars Ruby Red 6" Bark Vase, Pattern 9689£90 $112.71   €108.03 Whitefriars Ruby Red 6" Bark Vase, Pattern 9689Lucian Linnell Vintage
Whitefriars Small Controlled Bubble Bowl£38.00 $47.59   €45.61 Whitefriars Small Controlled Bubble BowlYore Antiques William Butler Whitefriars C1930 Cloudy Glass Vase£360 $450.83   €432.11 William Butler Whitefriars C1930 Cloudy Glass VaseFrogabilia Whitefriars Glass Vase£70.00 $87.66   €84.02 Whitefriars Glass VaseYore Antiques Whitefriars Medium Bark Vase By Geoffrey Baxter£135.00 $169.06   €162.04 Whitefriars Medium Bark Vase By Geoffrey BaxterCeltic Antiques
Whitefriars Large Bark Vase By Geoffrey Baxter£165.00 $206.63   €198.05 Whitefriars Large Bark Vase By Geoffrey BaxterCeltic Antiques Whitefriars Glass Decanter£69.00 $86.41   €82.82 Whitefriars Glass DecanterYore Antiques Cranberry Glass Decanter With 6 Glasses£195.00 $244.2   €234.06 Cranberry Glass Decanter With 6 GlassesTwojays Corner Antiques Whitefriars Large Controlled Bubble Bowl£35.00 $43.83   €42.01 Whitefriars Large Controlled Bubble BowlYore Antiques
Large Whitefriars Controlled Bubble Bowl 1950s£38.00 $47.59   €45.61 Large Whitefriars Controlled Bubble Bowl 1950sStudio RT Ltd Whitefriars Wavy Glass Jug£44.00 $55.1   €52.81 Whitefriars Wavy Glass JugYore Antiques Clear Bark Effect Studio Glass Vase£22.00 $27.55   €26.41 Clear Bark Effect Studio Glass VaseMelbourne Antiques Whitefriars C1960s Tall Glass Jug£44.00 $55.1   €52.81 Whitefriars C1960s Tall Glass JugYore Antiques
Whitefriars Marriot Powell Glass Vase£38.00 $47.59   €45.61 Whitefriars Marriot Powell Glass VaseYore Antiques Whitefriars Smokey Glass Bowl£39.00 $48.84   €46.81 Whitefriars Smokey Glass BowlYore Antiques Whitefriars Controlled Bubble Glass Vase£45.00 $56.35   €54.01 Whitefriars Controlled Bubble Glass VaseYore Antiques Early Whitefriars Frilled Cranberry Glass Vase.£30.00 $37.57   €36.01 Early Whitefriars Frilled Cranberry Glass Vase.Twojays Corner Antiques
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