
Betjemann & Sons - George Betjemann and his two sons George William Betjemann and John Betjemann.

Innovative cabinet and box makers that featured their own Betjemann patent mechanisms. The company was located in London and ran from the mid 19th century through to the late 1930s. They created high quality jewellery boxes with elaborate opening mechanisms.

They were also known for the 'The Betjemann Tantalus'. A Tantulus is a small wooden cabinet containing two or three decanters. What made the 'Betjemann Tantulas' different was that it had a lock and key. That meant it could still be out on display for all to see but prevented unauthorised people from drinking the contents.

Other items included patent bookslides, patent locking decanters, inkwells and cigarette boxes.

Found 40 For Sale and Sold    ( 10 for sale )  
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Art Deco White Onyx And Malachite Cigar / Desk Box£895 $1130.21   €1085.19 Art Deco White Onyx And Malachite Cigar / Desk BoxPuckerings Antiques Coromandel Book Slide By Betjemanns 19thc£425 $536.69   €515.31 Coromandel Book Slide By Betjemanns 19thcSalisbury Antiques Centre A Stunning Plated Betjemann’s 2 Decanter Tantalus£775 $978.67   €939.69 A Stunning Plated Betjemann’s 2 Decanter TantalusThe Dorking Desk Shop  A Fine Oak Three Decanter Tantalus £625 $789.25   €757.81 A Fine Oak Three Decanter Tantalus The Dorking Desk Shop
A Wonderful Victorian Coromandel Ink Stand£675 $852.39   €818.44 A Wonderful Victorian Coromandel Ink StandThe Dorking Desk Shop White Onyx, Lapis Lazuli And Silver Box - 1948£1495 $1887.89   €1812.69 White Onyx, Lapis Lazuli And Silver Box - 1948Puckerings Antiques Onyx, Lapis Lazuli, Silver Gilt Table Vesta£1150 $1452.22   €1394.38 Onyx, Lapis Lazuli, Silver Gilt Table VestaPuckerings Antiques Sterling Silver Mounted Single Locking Decanter £2400 $3030.72   €2910 Sterling Silver Mounted Single Locking Decanter Puckerings Antiques
A Superb Betjemanns Patent Lockable Cut Glass Decanter£255 $322.01   €309.19 A Superb Betjemann's Patent Lockable Cut Glass DecanterThe Dorking Desk Shop A Splendid ‘Betjeman’s’ (the Poets Father) Patent Decanter£360 $454.61   €436.5 A Splendid ‘Betjeman’s’ (the Poets Father) Patent DecanterThe Dorking Desk Shop Betjemanns Patent Locking Spirit / Whisky Decanter  Betjemanns Patent Locking Spirit / Whisky DecanterPuckerings Antiques Atkinson Lancaster 2 Pint Bottle Tantalus  Atkinson Lancaster 2 Pint Bottle TantalusSturmans Antiques Ltd
Victorian Walnut Betjemans Three Bottle Tantalus  Victorian Walnut Betjeman's Three Bottle TantalusSturmans Antiques Ltd Oak & Silver Harrods Of London Tantalus  Oak & Silver Harrods Of London TantalusSturmans Antiques Ltd Victorian Miniature Pocket Hip Flask 1895£165 $208.36   €200.06 Victorian Miniature Pocket Hip Flask 1895William Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) Antique English Coromandel & Silver Plate Tantalus  Antique English Coromandel & Silver Plate TantalusPuckerings Antiques
Miniature Stagecoach Tantalus By Betjemanns C1890  Miniature Stagecoach Tantalus By Betjemann's C1890Puckerings Antiques Art Deco White Onyx Box By George Betjemann C.1920  Art Deco White Onyx Box By George Betjemann C.1920Puckerings Antiques Antique English Coromandel & Silver Cigar Box   Antique English Coromandel & Silver Cigar Box Puckerings Antiques Outstanding Antique Walnut Betjamanns Tantalus  Outstanding Antique Walnut Betjamann's TantalusSturmans Antiques Ltd
Art Deco White Onyx & Malachite Box By Betjemman   Art Deco White Onyx & Malachite Box By Betjemman Puckerings Antiques Antique Art Deco White Onyx Box By Betjemman C1920  Antique Art Deco White Onyx Box By Betjemman C1920Puckerings Antiques Rare Betjemanns Miniature Oak Tantalus C1900£395 $498.81   €478.94 Rare Betjemanns Miniature Oak Tantalus C1900Cloverleaf Home Interiors Antique Book Slide, English Rosewood Brass, C.1880£495 $625.09   €600.19 Antique Book Slide, English Rosewood Brass, C.1880London Fine Antiques
Bronze Picture Frame By G. Betjemann - Reg. 1867  Bronze Picture Frame By G. Betjemann - Reg. 1867Puckerings Antiques Cut Glass Silver Collared Decanter  Cut Glass Silver Collared DecanterSunnyside Antiques Stagecoach Tantalus By Betjemmans, London, C.1890  Stagecoach Tantalus By Betjemman's, London, C.1890Puckerings Antiques Patent Betjemann Coromandel Bookslide  Patent Betjemann Coromandel BookslideDomani Antiques
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