Doulton Lambeth

Found 293 For Sale and Sold    ( 49 for sale )  
Large Doulton Loving Cup,Solid Silver Rim,London1885£180.00 $227.18   €216.99 Large Doulton Loving Cup,Solid Silver Rim,London1885Chapmanpugh Modern Antiques Antique Victorian Doulton Lambeth Jardiniere£395 $498.53   €476.17 Antique Victorian Doulton Lambeth JardiniereUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Rare Large Doulton Lambeth Jardiniere - C. 1880s.£1200.00 $1514.52   €1446.6 Rare Large Doulton Lambeth Jardiniere - C. 1880's.Decoris Fine Art Art Nouveau Vase, Eliza Simmance For Doulton, 1905£150 $189.32   €180.83 Art Nouveau Vase, Eliza Simmance For Doulton, 1905Burnell And Rowe
Doulton Miniature Teapot Pin Cushion   Doulton Miniature Teapot Pin Cushion Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre A Doulton Lambeth Jardiniere£155 $195.63   €186.85 A Doulton Lambeth JardiniereBeech And Springs Antiques Fantastic Antique Victorian Doulton Jardiniere £485 $612.12   €584.67 Fantastic Antique Victorian Doulton Jardiniere Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Doulton Lambeth Stoneware 4 Piece Cruet Set£345.00 $435.42   €415.9 Doulton Lambeth Stoneware 4 Piece Cruet SetJohn Austin Antiques
Victorian Wine Jug, Elizabeth Atkins, Doulton 1876£150 $189.32   €180.83 Victorian Wine Jug, Elizabeth Atkins, Doulton 1876Burnell And Rowe Royal Doulton Stoneware Three Piece Tea Set£200 $252.42   €241.1 Royal Doulton Stoneware Three Piece Tea SetWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) Victorian Jug With Plated Lid, Doulton Lambeth, 1874£175 $220.87   €210.96 Victorian Jug With Plated Lid, Doulton Lambeth, 1874Burnell And Rowe A Large Doulton Lambeth Vase By George Tinworth£395 $498.53   €476.17 A Large Doulton Lambeth Vase By George TinworthThe Spirit Of Liberty
Doulton Lambeth George Tinworth Vase 13 1/2" Tall.£495 $624.74   €596.72 Doulton Lambeth George Tinworth Vase 13 1/2" Tall.The Spirit Of Liberty Fantastic Quality Large Doulton Lambeth Vase £395 $498.53   €476.17 Fantastic Quality Large Doulton Lambeth Vase Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Pair Doulton Lambeth Art Nouveau Vase-Frank Butler £395 $498.53   €476.17 Pair Doulton Lambeth Art Nouveau Vase-Frank Butler The Spirit Of Liberty Doulton Lambeth Sugar Sifter Dated 1878£100 $126.21   €120.55 Doulton Lambeth Sugar Sifter Dated 1878S W Muggeridge Antiques
Pair Of Antique Doulton Lambeth Vases£425 $536.39   €512.34 Pair Of Antique Doulton Lambeth VasesUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Pair Of Victorian Doulton Lambeth Candlesticks.   Pair Of Victorian Doulton Lambeth Candlesticks. Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre  Large Pair Of Antique Lambeth Doulton Vases£875 $1104.34   €1054.81 Large Pair Of Antique Lambeth Doulton VasesLondon City Antiques Large Victorian Quality Doulton Lambeth Jardiniere£395 $498.53   €476.17 Large Victorian Quality Doulton Lambeth JardiniereUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
Victorian Posy Vase By Eliza Simmance For Doulton £95 $119.9   €114.52 Victorian Posy Vase By Eliza Simmance For Doulton Burnell And Rowe Vase By Edith Lupton For Doulton Lambeth, 1886£250 $315.53   €301.38 Vase By Edith Lupton For Doulton Lambeth, 1886Burnell And Rowe Doulton Lambeth Slater Jug Art Noueau£45.00 $56.79   €54.25 Doulton Lambeth Slater Jug Art NoueauMelbourne Antiques Royal Doulton Harvest Ale Jug, Lambeth C.1920s/30s£30 $37.86   €36.17 Royal Doulton Harvest Ale Jug, Lambeth C.1920s/30sBurnell And Rowe
Doulton Lambeth Art Nouveau Vase- Mark V Marshall£195 $246.11   €235.07 Doulton Lambeth Art Nouveau Vase- Mark V MarshallThe Spirit Of Liberty Doulton Lambeth Art Nouveau "Scotch" Spirit Flask.£130 $164.07   €156.72 Doulton Lambeth Art Nouveau "Scotch" Spirit Flask.The Spirit Of Liberty Superb Doulton Lambeth Vase By Margaret Aitken£295 $372.32   €355.62 Superb Doulton Lambeth Vase By Margaret AitkenThe Spirit Of Liberty Exquisite Doulton Lambeth Teapot By Emily Stormer  Exquisite Doulton Lambeth Teapot By Emily StormerThe Spirit Of Liberty

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