Antiques for Sale

Found 354670 For Sale and Sold    ( 66024 for sale  288646 sold )  
Chinese Altar Table£2675 $3385.21   €3224.45 Chinese Altar TableShackladys Antiques Walnut Dressing Table£2675 $3385.21   €3224.45 Walnut Dressing TableShackladys Antiques Regency Mahogany Bergere Armchair£2195 $2777.77   €2645.85 Regency Mahogany Bergere ArmchairShackladys Antiques Mahogany Carlton House Style Desk£1845 $2334.85   €2223.96 Mahogany Carlton House Style DeskShackladys Antiques
Pair Of Victorian Cast Iron Fire Dogs£445 $563.15   €536.4 Pair Of Victorian Cast Iron Fire DogsShackladys Antiques Arts And Crafts Oak Xylophone£695 $879.52   €837.75 Arts And Crafts Oak XylophoneShackladys Antiques Japanese Short Sword Carved Bone Scabbard£895 $1132.62   €1078.83 Japanese Short Sword Carved Bone ScabbardSovereign Antiques BAYONET BRITISH 3 BAND ENFIELDS CIRCA 185O’s£165 $208.81   €198.89 BAYONET BRITISH 3 BAND ENFIELDS CIRCA 185O’sSovereign Antiques
Regency Sofa Table - Trotter Of Edinburgh£1575.00 $1993.16   €1898.51 Regency Sofa Table - Trotter Of EdinburghAthey Antiques Leather Chesterfield Sofa£1850.00 $2341.18   €2229.99 Leather Chesterfield SofaAthey Antiques Large Flame Mahogany Jewellery Box + Tray. C1870£240 $303.72   €289.3 Large Flame Mahogany Jewellery Box + Tray. C1870Antique Boxes And Collectables QUALITY Kingwood Writing Box.  C1835£425 $537.84   €512.3 QUALITY Kingwood Writing Box. C1835Antique Boxes And Collectables
Rare Kigu Map Of The World Powder Compact£325.00 $411.29   €391.76 Rare Kigu Map Of The World Powder CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop Midland Railway Paperweight£65 $82.26   €78.35 Midland Railway PaperweightRecess Antiques Imposing Victorian Mahogany Breakfront Bookcase£6450 $8162.48   €7774.83 Imposing Victorian Mahogany Breakfront BookcaseCamden Antiques Duchess  Of Sutherland Cripples Guild Arts & Crafts £95 $120.22   €114.51 Duchess Of Sutherland Cripples Guild Arts & Crafts F10 Antiques
Fine Georgian Silver Waiter Salver Ebenezer Coker£485 $613.77   €584.62 Fine Georgian Silver Waiter Salver Ebenezer CokerThe Fancy Fox Victorian Inlaid Walnut Tea Caddy. Original Lids. £185 $234.12   €223 Victorian Inlaid Walnut Tea Caddy. Original Lids. Antique Boxes And Collectables Silver Royal Military Presentation Boat£1395 $1765.37   €1681.53 Silver Royal Military Presentation BoatRobert Belcher Antiques 17th Century Oil On Copper Painting Of St Francis£695 $879.52   €837.75 17th Century Oil On Copper Painting Of St FrancisDreams Less Sweet Antiques
Southern Railway Smoking Strictly Prohibited£185 $234.12   €223 Southern Railway Smoking Strictly ProhibitedRecess Antiques Nest Of 4 Inlaid Mahogany Tables£975 $1233.86   €1175.27 Nest Of 4 Inlaid Mahogany TablesCamden Antiques Hand Coloured Lithograth - The Lovers Quarrel 1846£295 $373.32   €355.59 Hand Coloured Lithograth - The Lovers Quarrel 1846Dreams Less Sweet Antiques Inlaid Mahogany Heart Shaped Bijouterie Table£1150 $1455.33   €1386.21 Inlaid Mahogany Heart Shaped Bijouterie TableCamden Antiques
Victorian Sailors Valentines Shellwork Pin Cushion£375 $474.56   €452.03 Victorian Sailors Valentines Shellwork Pin CushionDreams Less Sweet Antiques Antique Calligraphers Extending Table, English£1495 $1891.92   €1802.07 Antique Calligrapher's Extending Table, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques 19th Century French Pine Enfilade£2950 $3733.23   €3555.93 19th Century French Pine EnfiladeLee Wright Antiques And Interiors 19th Century English Regency Mahogany Side Cabinet£4800 $6074.4   €5785.92 19th Century English Regency Mahogany Side CabinetLee Wright Antiques And Interiors

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