Antique Trivets
Found 107 For Sale and Sold ( 49 for sale 58 sold )
$55.06 €53.45
Antique Brass Fireside Trivet & TongsThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge
$220.23 €213.79
Heart Trivet With Women's FeetBrian Knapp Antiques
$238.58 €231.6
An Attractive Brass And Iron Gypsy TrivetElmgarden
$177.41 €172.22
Mid 19th Century Cast Brass FootmanCarse Antiques
$299.76 €290.99
19th Cent Sliding Brass And Iron Adjustable TrivetElmgarden
$70.96 €68.89
Arts & Crafts Brass And Iron Dragon TrivetLevels Antiques
$70.96 €68.89
A Mid 19th Century Kettle StandAnthony House Antiques
$483.28 €469.14
Georgian Cast Brass TrivetLeslie And Baggott
$299.76 €290.99
Quality Antique Edwardian Large Brass Trivet Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$134.59 €130.65
Georgian Brass Fireside TrivetFrontsideout
$709.63 €688.87
Rare English Georgian Five Leg Steel Footman.Michael Allcroft Antiques
$360.93 €350.37
Late Georgian Brass Fireplace TrivetVladds Interiors
$165.17 €160.34
Antique Edwardian Brass Circular TrivetUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$79.53 €77.2
W. Tonks Arts & Crafts Brass & Copper Trivet 1906Studio RT Ltd
$19.58 €19
Circular Brass Trivet Around 1900.Limited Editions
$42.82 €41.57
A Pair Of 19th Century Brass TrivetsLimited Editions
$324.23 €314.74
19th Century French Brass & Iron Adjustable TrivetElmgarden
$61.18 €59.39
Mid 19th Century Brass Heart Shaped TrivetBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds)
$91.76 €89.08
Circa 1820 Brass 'Double Heart' TrivetBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds)
$238.58 €231.6
Welsh Brass FootmanHavard And Havard
$128.47 €124.71
Antique Edwardian Brass Square TrivetUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$18.35 €17.82
Sale On. Brass TrivetBarnhill Trading Co.
$22.02 €21.38
Sale On. Brass TrivetBarnhill Trading Co.
$91.76 €89.08
Cast Iron Trivet / Pot StandSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
$238.58 €231.6
19th Century Steel Footman.Twojays Corner Antiques
$850.33 €825.45
Side Table - Brass And Iron FootmanSunnyside Antiques
$162.73 €157.96
18th Century Fireside TrivetSunnyside Antiques
$397.64 €386
Large 19th Century Brass Stove / FootmanWalton House Antiques