Bronze Age Artifacts

Bronze age artifacts and antiquities

Found 47 For Sale and Sold    ( 16 for sale  31 sold )  
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Near Eastern Bronze Age Ceremonial Mace Head£265 $328.92   €318.82 Near Eastern Bronze Age Ceremonial Mace HeadTimesAncient Old Babylonian Terracotta Plaque From Nippur£330 $409.6   €397.02 Old Babylonian Terracotta Plaque From NippurTimesAncient Canaanite Middle Bronze Age Oil Lamp£190 $235.83   €228.59 Canaanite Middle Bronze Age Oil LampTimesAncient Bronze-age Twisted Bronze Neck Torc£240 $297.89   €288.74 Bronze-age Twisted Bronze Neck TorcTimesAncient
Bronze Age English Palstave Axe Head.£295 $366.15   €354.91 Bronze Age English Palstave Axe Head.Antiquities And Artefacts Bronze Age Ceremonial Stone Macehead£185 $229.62   €222.57 Bronze Age Ceremonial Stone MaceheadTimesAncient British Middle Bronze-age Palstave Axehead£340 $422.01   €409.05 British Middle Bronze-age Palstave AxeheadTimesAncient Ancient Antique Bronze Age, Bronze Arrow. (5130)£55 $68.27   €66.17 Ancient Antique Bronze Age, Bronze Arrow. (5130)Antiquarius
Iranian Bronze-age Pottery Jar Decorated With Snake£175 $217.21   €210.54 Iranian Bronze-age Pottery Jar Decorated With SnakeTimesAncient Ancient Viking Spiral Bronze Ring 800-1200 AD£170 $211   €204.53 Ancient Viking Spiral Bronze Ring 800-1200 ADSchool House Antiques Bronze Age Spear Head£220 $273.06   €264.68 Bronze Age Spear HeadAntiquities And Artefacts Saxon Era Bronze Heavy Buckle (Ref 5018)£75 $93.09   €90.23 Saxon Era Bronze Heavy Buckle (Ref 5018)Antiquarius
Celtic Ring Pendant, Ring Money  (Ref 5030)£74 $91.85   €89.03 Celtic Ring Pendant, Ring Money (Ref 5030)Antiquarius Early Bone Needle - Stone Age - Medieval?£48.00 $59.58   €57.75 Early Bone Needle - Stone Age - Medieval?Antiquities And Artefacts Ancient Viking Spiral Bronze Ring , 800-1200 AD£170 $211   €204.53 Ancient Viking Spiral Bronze Ring , 800-1200 ADSchool House Antiques English Bronze Age Knife Blade£125.00 $155.15   €150.39 English Bronze Age Knife BladeCollect The Past
Bronze-Age Bracelet£100 $124.12   €120.31 Bronze-Age BraceletTimesAncient Indus Valley Bronze-age Chalice£225 $279.27   €270.7 Indus Valley Bronze-age ChaliceTimesAncient Holy Land Early Bronze Age Pottery Jar£135 $167.56   €162.42 Holy Land Early Bronze Age Pottery JarTimesAncient Canaanite Bronze-Age Duckbill Axe Head£225 $279.27   €270.7 Canaanite Bronze-Age Duckbill Axe HeadTimesAncient
Canaanite Holy Land Middle Bronze-Age Jar£165 $204.8   €198.51 Canaanite Holy Land Middle Bronze-Age JarTimesAncient Early Bronze Age Holy Land Pottery Amphora£295 $366.15   €354.91 Early Bronze Age Holy Land Pottery AmphoraTimesAncient Indus Valley Bronze-age Pottery Chalice£185 $229.62   €222.57 Indus Valley Bronze-age Pottery ChaliceTimesAncient Indus Valley Bronze-age Terracotta Cup£65 $80.68   €78.2 Indus Valley Bronze-age Terracotta CupTimesAncient
Indus Valley Bronze-age Pottery Jar£125 $155.15   €150.39 Indus Valley Bronze-age Pottery JarTimesAncient British Bronze-age Palstave Axehead£450 $558.54   €541.4 British Bronze-age Palstave AxeheadTimesAncient Bronze-age Pottery Amphora 3000 BC.£345 $428.21   €415.07 Bronze-age Pottery Amphora 3000 BC.TimesAncient Ancient Indus Valley Terracotta Jar£175 $217.21   €210.54 Ancient Indus Valley Terracotta JarTimesAncient
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