Spears, Pikes and Halberds

Spears, Pikes, Halberds and Polarms

Found 53 For Sale and Sold    ( 16 for sale  37 sold )  
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A Victorian Zulu Assiegai £475 $594.84   €570.14 A Victorian Zulu Assiegai Smiths Vintage A Good Heavy Zulu Assegai£580 $726.33   €696.17 A Good Heavy Zulu AssegaiSmiths Vintage  South Seas Native Club / Spear£495 $619.89   €594.15 South Seas Native Club / SpearSovereign Antiques Italian M1860 Cavalry Troopers Sword£290 $363.17   €348.09 Italian M1860 Cavalry Troopers SwordSaltwood Antiques
Zulu Asegai Throwing Spear Late Victorian £975 $1220.99   €1170.29 Zulu Asegai Throwing Spear Late Victorian Sovereign Antiques 18 Century Plug Bayonet £340 $425.78   €408.1 18 Century Plug Bayonet Smiths Vintage Sharks Teeth Spear Micronesia Antique Tribal£385 $482.14   €462.12 Sharks Teeth Spear Micronesia Antique TribalFrogabilia Massive Early Masai Shield £575 $720.07   €690.17 Massive Early Masai Shield Smiths Vintage
Pole Arm “ Partisan “ 14th Century £2500 $3130.75   €3000.75 Pole Arm “ Partisan “ 14th Century Sovereign Antiques Zulu Spear Circa 1850’s£695 $870.35   €834.21 Zulu Spear Circa 1850’sSovereign Antiques English Civil War Halbert £1250 $1565.38   €1500.38 English Civil War Halbert Sovereign Antiques 17th Bengal Lancer’s Lance  £3500 $4383.05   €4201.05 17th Bengal Lancer’s Lance Sovereign Antiques
Two Australian Aboriginal Woomera / Spears, C1890£445 $557.27   €534.13 Two Australian Aboriginal Woomera / Spears, C1890Curious Antiques Framed Antique Native American Artefacts C1890 +£995 $1246.04   €1194.3 Framed Antique Native American Artefacts C1890 +Curious Antiques Welsh Friendly Society Spear, Gilwern, Abergavenny£160.00 $200.37   €192.05 Welsh Friendly Society Spear, Gilwern, AbergavennyLemon Tree Antiques 3 19th Century West Australian Boomerangs£625 $782.69   €750.19 3 19th Century West Australian BoomerangsHeirlooms By Lawrence
1796 Pattern Heavy Cavalry Troopers Sabre  1796 Pattern Heavy Cavalry Trooper's SabreBoyar Armoury English Bayonet£95 $118.97   €114.03 English BayonetMichaels Militaria Spear With Scabbard, Indonesia  Spear With Scabbard, IndonesiaBoyar Armoury Ligurian Dagger  Ligurian DaggerBoyar Armoury
Horn Handed Hunting Knife Indian £165 $206.63   €198.05 Horn Handed Hunting Knife Indian Smiths Vintage A Rare 18 Century Indian Shield £585 $732.6   €702.18 A Rare 18 Century Indian Shield Smiths Vintage Small 19th Century Indian Ankus  Small 19th Century Indian AnkusChristopher Walker Antiques Peninsular War British Heavy Cavalry Sword£450 $563.54   €540.14 Peninsular War British Heavy Cavalry SwordSaltwood Antiques
19 Century Zulu Iklwa £475 $594.84   €570.14 19 Century Zulu Iklwa Smiths Arms And Armour Zulu ‘Selepe’ Battle Axe£375 $469.61   €450.11 Zulu ‘Selepe’ Battle AxeSmiths Arms And Armour 18 Century Boarding Pike£580 $726.33   €696.17 18 Century Boarding PikeSmiths Vintage Boarding Pike £580 $726.33   €696.17 Boarding Pike Smiths Vintage
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