Antique Axes

Found 44 For Sale and Sold    ( 13 for sale  31 sold )  
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Mid 19th Century Indian Bulova Axe£125 $156.54   €150.04 Mid 19th Century Indian Bulova AxeChristopher Walker Antiques Pair Of Auxiliary Fire Service Firemans Axes£295 $369.43   €354.09 Pair Of Auxiliary Fire Service Fireman's AxesLT Antiques North American Tomahawk£280 $350.64   €336.08 North American TomahawkSmiths Vintage 19th Century Indian Ram Dao Sacrificial Axe£385 $482.14   €462.12 19th Century Indian Ram Dao Sacrificial AxeChristopher Walker Antiques
Late 19th Century Indian Bronze Engraved Axe Head£95 $118.97   €114.03 Late 19th Century Indian Bronze Engraved Axe HeadChristopher Walker Antiques Zulu Knop-Kerri And Axe£320 $400.74   €384.1 Zulu Knop-Kerri And AxeSmiths Vintage 19ct  Indian Battle Axe£180 $225.41   €216.05 19ct Indian Battle AxeSmiths Vintage 19th Century Zulu Knobkerrie £165 $206.63   €198.05 19th Century Zulu Knobkerrie Vladds Interiors
Islamic Indian Bulova Axe £275 $344.38   €330.08 Islamic Indian Bulova Axe Smiths Arms And Armour African Axe£150 $187.85   €180.05 African AxeSmiths Arms And Armour English Civil War Halbert £1250 $1565.38   €1500.38 English Civil War Halbert Sovereign Antiques Indian Lohar Throwing Axe ,c1880£225 $281.77   €270.07 Indian Lohar Throwing Axe ,c1880Curious Antiques
Antique Ceremonial Axe, Chinese, Jade, Decorative £845 $1058.19   €1014.25 Antique Ceremonial Axe, Chinese, Jade, Decorative London Fine Antiques 19 Century Indian Tabar Axe£285 $356.91   €342.09 19 Century Indian Tabar AxeSmiths Vintage Late 19 Century Indian Double Headed Engraved Axe  Late 19 Century Indian Double Headed Engraved AxeChristopher Walker Antiques Zulu Axe ,Selepe  Zulu Axe ,SelepeVladds Interiors
19 Century Bronze Fertility Axe£150 $187.85   €180.05 19 Century Bronze Fertility AxeSmiths Vintage Zulu Axe£110 $137.75   €132.03 Zulu AxeSmiths Vintage Tiv Axe 1900£245 $306.81   €294.07 Tiv Axe 1900Smiths Vintage 19th Century Steel Bulova Axe  19th Century Steel Bulova AxeChristopher Walker Antiques
Late Victorian Zulu Axe  Late Victorian Zulu AxeChristopher Walker Antiques Executioners Axe - 17th Century   Executioners Axe - 17th Century Antiquities And Artefacts Zulu ‘Selepe’ Battle Axe£375 $469.61   €450.11 Zulu ‘Selepe’ Battle AxeSmiths Arms And Armour 19th Century Silver Mounted Indian Bullova Axe   19th Century Silver Mounted Indian Bullova Axe Christopher Walker Antiques
18ct South Indian Axe £385 $482.14   €462.12 18ct South Indian Axe Smiths Vintage 19th Century Indian Bullova Axe  19th Century Indian Bullova AxeChristopher Walker Antiques Mid 18th Century European Axe Head, C1750£345 $432.04   €414.1 Mid 18th Century European Axe Head, C1750Curious Antiques Two 16th Century German/Swiss Halberds. £3000 $3756.9   €3600.9 Two 16th Century German/Swiss Halberds. Youngs Antiques
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