Antique Paperweights

Found 589 For Sale and Sold    ( 204 for sale  385 sold )  
A Millefiori Glass Paperweight Circa 1920£155 $194.11   €186.05 A Millefiori Glass Paperweight Circa 1920Robert Belcher Antiques Glass Owl£25 $31.31   €30.01 Glass OwlMemento Mori Glasform Sculpture By J.Ditchfield£65 $81.4   €78.02 Glasform Sculpture By J.DitchfieldTanglewood Antiques Vintage Great Dane Figure, English, Brass, Dog£845 $1058.19   €1014.25 Vintage Great Dane Figure, English, Brass, DogLondon Fine Antiques
Midland Railway Paperweight£65 $81.4   €78.02 Midland Railway PaperweightRecess Antiques 4 Flower End Of Day Dump. £85 $106.45   €102.03 4 Flower End Of Day Dump. F10 Antiques Austrian Cold Painted Bronze Sculpture Salmon£750 $939.23   €900.23 Austrian Cold Painted Bronze Sculpture SalmonCheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd Art Deco Cut Crystal Paper Weight£350 $438.31   €420.11 Art Deco Cut Crystal Paper WeightElmgarden
Rare Anglo-Indian Pietra Dura Inlaid Marble, C1940£110 $137.75   €132.03 Rare Anglo-Indian Pietra Dura Inlaid Marble, C1940The Purply Shop Small Antique Dog Door Stop, English, Cast Iron£395 $494.66   €474.12 Small Antique Dog Door Stop, English, Cast IronLondon Fine Antiques 19th Century Grand Tour Bloodstone Desk Paperweight£295 $369.43   €354.09 19th Century 'Grand Tour' Bloodstone Desk PaperweightWalton House Antiques Vintage Mid Century Glass Paper Weight£120 $150.28   €144.04 Vintage Mid Century Glass Paper WeightElmgarden
Large Tear Drop Glass Dump Or Paper Weight£125 $156.54   €150.04 Large Tear Drop Glass Dump Or Paper WeightElmgarden Murano Style Mushroom £35 $43.83   €42.01 Murano Style Mushroom Vladds Interiors Large English Antique Brass Desk Magnifying Glass £395 $494.66   €474.12 Large English Antique Brass Desk Magnifying Glass Puckerings Antiques Royal Crown Derby Imari Elephant Paperweight £185 $231.68   €222.06 Royal Crown Derby Imari Elephant Paperweight Select Antiques
Royal Crown Derby Penguin & Chic Paperweight £89 $111.45   €106.83 Royal Crown Derby Penguin & Chic Paperweight Select Antiques Two Green Victorian Dump Paperweights£290 $363.17   €348.09 Two Green Victorian Dump PaperweightsNewark Antiques And Interiors Crown Derby Cat £55 $68.88   €66.02 Crown Derby Cat Vladds Interiors Glass Of Venice Murano Glass Paperweight£48.00 $60.11   €57.61 Glass Of Venice Murano Glass PaperweightMelbourne Antiques
Antique Serpentine Paperweight, Chinese, Soapstone£695 $870.35   €834.21 Antique Serpentine Paperweight, Chinese, SoapstoneLondon Fine Antiques Royal Crown Derby Little Owl £75.00 $93.92   €90.02 Royal Crown Derby Little Owl Select Antiques Boxed Royal Crown Derby BEAVER Paperweight £78.00 $97.68   €93.62 Boxed Royal Crown Derby BEAVER Paperweight Select Antiques Royal Crown Derby Mandarin Duck Paperweight £68.00 $85.16   €81.62 Royal Crown Derby Mandarin Duck Paperweight Select Antiques
Michael James Hunter Twist Glass Studio Paperweight£165 $206.63   €198.05 Michael James Hunter Twist Glass Studio PaperweightSelect Antiques Boxed Swarovski Crystal Seals On Iceberg £125.00 $156.54   €150.04 Boxed Swarovski Crystal Seals On Iceberg Select Antiques Swarovski Crystal Tulips With Stand £75.00 $93.92   €90.02 Swarovski Crystal Tulips With Stand Select Antiques Boxed Royal Crown Derby Kestrel Paperweight £195.00 $244.2   €234.06 Boxed Royal Crown Derby Kestrel Paperweight Select Antiques