Miscellaneous Antique Silver

Found 236 For Sale and Sold    ( 47 for sale  189 sold )  
Solid Silver Presentation Key   Birmingham 1927£160.00 $206.26   €190.67 Solid Silver Presentation Key Birmingham 1927Emma Design - Antique Silver A Plain Good Quality Edwardian Silver Frame£225.00 $290.05   €268.13 A Plain Good Quality Edwardian Silver FrameAlphington Antiques And Fine Art A Pair Of Silver Pheasants£2800 $3609.48   €3336.76 A Pair Of Silver PheasantsLeslie And Baggott Antique English Sterling Silver Playing Card Box £3200 $4125.12   €3813.44 Antique English Sterling Silver Playing Card Box Puckerings Antiques
Victorian Chased Silver Grape-Scissors£180 $232.04   €214.51 Victorian Chased Silver Grape-ScissorsSW15 Collectables Victorian Silver And Glass Decoupage Brush£195.00 $251.37   €232.38 Victorian Silver And Glass Decoupage BrushTwojays Corner Antiques Set Of 12 Victorian Bright Cut Silver Teaspoons £245.00 $315.83   €291.97 Set Of 12 Victorian Bright Cut Silver Teaspoons Martin And Dorothy Harper Antiques Silver Bridge Pencils With Enamelled Card Suits£200 $257.82   €238.34 Silver Bridge Pencils With Enamelled Card SuitsBaldwyn Antiques
Solid Silver Middle Eastern Saint, 7cm £325 $418.96   €387.3 Solid Silver Middle Eastern Saint, 7cm Baldwyn Antiques Set 3 Dutch Miniature Silver Ladder Back Chairs£130 $167.58   €154.92 Set 3 Dutch Miniature Silver Ladder Back ChairsThe Fancy Fox Dutch Silver Miniature Seated Girl Cooking C.1890£75 $96.68   €89.38 Dutch Silver Miniature Seated Girl Cooking C.1890The Fancy Fox Silver Pug - Chester 1903£550 $709.01   €655.44 Silver Pug - Chester 1903Aylmer Fine Art
Victorian Dutch Silver Wedding Casket.c.1880/90£185.00 $238.48   €220.46 Victorian Dutch Silver Wedding Casket.c.1880/90Goodwin Antiques Georgian Silver Sugar Tongs Peter ,Anne & Wm Bateman£55.00 $70.9   €65.54 Georgian Silver Sugar Tongs Peter ,Anne & Wm BatemanMartin And Dorothy Harper Antiques A Silver H/M Embossed Miniature Sedan Chair£495.00 $638.1   €589.89 A Silver H/M Embossed Miniature Sedan ChairSmugglers Cottage Antiques And Interiors Silver Miniature Lounge Chair, Imported 1899.£125 $161.14   €148.96 Silver Miniature Lounge Chair, Imported 1899.D.J. Massey And Son
Silver Shoe Horn And Button Hook£55.00 $70.9   €65.54 Silver Shoe Horn And Button HookTwojays Corner Antiques Victorian 1894 SILVER Chatelaine Spectacles Case£215.00 $277.16   €256.22 Victorian 1894 SILVER Chatelaine Spectacles CaseAntiques At Leeds George III, English Silver Hot Water Pot C1774£1650 $2127.02   €1966.31 George III, English Silver Hot Water Pot C1774Deveron Jewellers Sterling Silver Ingot Geographical Society £2000 $2578.2   €2383.4 Sterling Silver Ingot Geographical Society Cheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd
Rare Art Deco Silver Trumps Marker, Birm. 1924£225 $290.05   €268.13 Rare Art Deco Silver Trumps Marker, Birm. 1924Julie Cartwright Antiques A Fabulous Articulated Silver Fish Of Spanish Origin£1100.00 $1418.01   €1310.87 A Fabulous Articulated Silver Fish Of Spanish OriginAlphington Antiques And Fine Art 18th Century Silver Marriage Box, C.1750-1800£300 $386.73   €357.51 18th Century Silver Marriage Box, C.1750-1800Burnell And Rowe Silver Box Samuel Pemberton 1796 + 4 Counters£335 $431.85   €399.22 Silver Box Samuel Pemberton 1796 + 4 CountersDale Enders Antiques And Collectables
18thc/19thc Indo Persian Silver Koftgari Stirrups  18thc/19thc Indo Persian Silver Koftgari StirrupsBay Hall Antiques George VI Solid Silver Spade, Port Sunlight Jubile  George VI Solid Silver Spade, Port Sunlight JubileWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) Silver Twin Handled Trophy Cup 1934  Silver Twin Handled Trophy Cup 1934Woodbridge Antiques Silver Table Top Potpourri  Silver Table Top PotpourriSturmans Antiques Ltd

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