Antique Oil Paintings

Found 8329 For Sale and Sold    ( 2692 for sale  5637 sold )  
Oil Painting By Vernon De Beauvoir Ward £1950 $2379.2   €2310.95 Oil Painting By Vernon De Beauvoir Ward Walton House Antiques Oil Painting Impressionism Norwegian Fjord£3500 $4270.35   €4147.85 Oil Painting Impressionism Norwegian FjordCheshire Antiques Consultant Melchior Kern, Landscape With Meadow & Buildings£315 $384.33   €373.31 Melchior Kern, Landscape With Meadow & BuildingsBrave Fine Art Oil Painting By Garstin Cox "A Summer Moonlight"£3250 $3965.33   €3851.58 Oil Painting By Garstin Cox "A Summer Moonlight"Walton House Antiques
Robie, Jean Baptiste £3250 $3965.33   €3851.58 Robie, Jean Baptiste Aylmer Fine Art James Hardy - Warships Off Coast£1450 $1769.15   €1718.4 James Hardy - Warships Off CoastPiers Pisani Antiques The Pie Eaters Painting Af Bartolome Esteban Murillo £12500 $15251.25   €14813.75 The Pie Eaters Painting Af Bartolome Esteban Murillo Mansion House Antiques & Fine Art Large Oil On Canvas Abstract In Blue Artist Torras£265 $323.33   €314.05 Large Oil On Canvas Abstract In Blue Artist TorrasTrade Antiques
19th Century French School Deux Pecheurs£265 $323.33   €314.05 19th Century French School Deux PecheursBrave Fine Art French Impressionist Oil Of Young Naked Woman 1914£1450 $1769.15   €1718.4 French Impressionist Oil Of Young Naked Woman 1914Deco Interiors Harold Lapham Worn American School Portrait£1295 $1580.03   €1534.7 Harold Lapham Worn American School PortraitBrave Fine Art Miles Balmford Sharp W/c Monks Kirby£250 $305.03   €296.28 Miles Balmford Sharp W/c Monks KirbyRuth Hudson Antiques
Oil On Canvas Flora£5800 $7076.58   €6873.58 Oil On Canvas FloraShackladys Antiques Large Oil Woodlands Listed Artist Henri J Pauwels £265 $323.33   €314.05 Large Oil Woodlands Listed Artist Henri J Pauwels Trade Antiques Oil Delicate Flowers Artist Vera Fromberg£165 $201.32   €195.54 Oil Delicate Flowers Artist Vera FrombergTrade Antiques Sale On. Oil Painting By C D Taylor£295.00 $359.93   €349.6 Sale On. Oil Painting By C D TaylorBarnhill Trading Co.
Sale On. Painting By C D Taylor£295.00 $359.93   €349.6 Sale On. Painting By C D TaylorBarnhill Trading Co. Andre Maire Oil Painting 1971.£1850 $2257.19   €2192.44 Andre Maire Oil Painting 1971.Tribalism To Modernism Oil Painting The Strid, Near Bolton Abbey Wharfed£4250 $5185.43   €5036.68 Oil Painting 'The Strid, Near Bolton Abbey WharfedWalton House Antiques Landscape Oil Painting By Clifford Montague£1950 $2379.2   €2310.95 Landscape Oil Painting By Clifford MontagueWalton House Antiques
H. James Pair 19th C.Landscape Oils Country Scenes£680.00 $829.67   €805.87 H. James Pair 19th C.Landscape Oils Country ScenesStudio RT Ltd Oil Painting Of Beethoven£120.00 $146.41   €142.21 Oil Painting Of BeethovenLemon Tree Antiques Oil Painting  Female Life Study.£140 $170.81   €165.91 Oil Painting Female Life Study.Michael Allcroft Antiques Metaphysical Still-Life By Paul Rossi£4850 $5917.49   €5747.74 Metaphysical Still-Life By Paul RossiWhite Court Art
The Three Graces III By Paul Rossi£5000 $6100.5   €5925.5 The Three Graces III By Paul RossiWhite Court Art "The Crowning With Thorns"  Ink Drawing By P Rossi£950 $1159.1   €1125.85 "The Crowning With Thorns" Ink Drawing By P RossiWhite Court Art Victorian Oil Painting Box By Winsor & Newton£195 $237.92   €231.09 Victorian Oil Painting Box By Winsor & NewtonAntique Rarities J.F. Slater Impressionist Oil Moorland Landscape£650.00 $793.07   €770.32 J.F. Slater Impressionist Oil Moorland LandscapeStudio RT Ltd

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