
Found 139 For Sale and Sold    ( 54 for sale )  
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Antique Copeland Italian Strainer£55.00 $68.88   €66.02 Antique Copeland Italian StrainerYore Antiques Copeland & Garrett Classical Scene Jug£30 $37.57   €36.01 Copeland & Garrett Classical Scene JugLeek Antiques And Interiors Copeland Stoneware Hunting Scene Jug£40 $50.09   €48.01 Copeland Stoneware Hunting Scene JugLeek Antiques And Interiors Copeland Parian Bust Of Lord Byron  Copeland Parian Bust Of Lord ByronPrometheus Antiques
Antique Footed Bowl, Red And White,£695 $870.35   €834.21 Antique Footed Bowl, Red And White,London Fine Antiques Antique Dairy Dishes  Antique Dairy DishesPaul Michael Farnham Copeland Spode Blue Italian Tureen And Cover £45.00 $56.35   €54.01 Copeland Spode Blue Italian Tureen And Cover Melbourne Antiques Large Mid 19thc Copeland Parian Bust Of ‘Clytie’  Large Mid 19thc Copeland Parian Bust Of ‘Clytie’LVS Decorative Arts
Spode Etruscan Cup & Saucer Serpent Handle C.1817  Spode Etruscan Cup & Saucer Serpent Handle C.1817The Fancy Fox Rare Spode Early 19thC Black & Gilded Coffee Can  Rare Spode Early 19thC Black & Gilded Coffee CanThe Fancy Fox Antique Spode Copeland Cobalt Blue Plate£29.00 $36.32   €34.81 Antique Spode Copeland Cobalt Blue PlateYore Antiques Copeland Spode Imari Decorated Bowl C1885£65 $81.4   €78.02 Copeland Spode Imari Decorated Bowl C1885Penrose Antiques
Copeland Busts Shakespeare And Milton£595 $745.12   €714.18 Copeland Busts 'Shakespeare' And 'Milton'Fernyhough Antiques Copeland Spode Dinner Service  Copeland Spode Dinner ServiceTwojays Corner Antiques Antique Copeland Fluted Rim Plate£35.00 $43.83   €42.01 Antique Copeland Fluted Rim PlateYore Antiques Copeland Coffee Can And Saucer Imari 19th Century£38.00 $47.59   €45.61 Copeland Coffee Can And Saucer Imari 19th CenturyMelbourne Antiques
Copeland Parian Figurine Of BEATRICE By Papworth£595 $745.12   €714.18 Copeland Parian Figurine Of BEATRICE By PapworthJohn Austin Antiques Copeland Parian Figurine HAPPY DAYS After Malempre£695 $870.35   €834.21 Copeland Parian Figurine HAPPY DAYS After MalempreJohn Austin Antiques Victorian Pair Of Copeland Majolica Jardinieres  Victorian Pair Of Copeland Majolica JardinieresThe Fancy Fox Copeland Sauce Tureen With Stand  Copeland Sauce Tureen With StandTwojays Corner Antiques
Victorian Copeland Spode China Butter Dish  Victorian Copeland Spode China Butter DishKingsdown Antiques Large Victorian Parian Figure Of Beatrice  Large Victorian Parian Figure Of 'Beatrice'Prometheus Antiques Copeland Parian Bust Summer£380 $475.87   €456.11 Copeland Parian Bust 'Summer'Antiquesbydesign 19th Century Parian Figure Of A Lady With A Dove £470 $588.58   €564.14 19th Century Parian Figure Of A Lady With A Dove Martlesham Antiques
Large Copeland Spode Blue Italian Bowl£65.00 $81.4   €78.02 Large Copeland Spode Blue Italian BowlMelbourne Antiques Stunning Copeland Bowl On Plated Stand£395 $494.66   €474.12 Stunning Copeland Bowl On Plated StandFernyhough Antiques  Antique Royal Navy Mess Plate  1910  Antique Royal Navy Mess Plate 1910Barnhill Trading Co. Victorian Copeland Fluted Ceramic Bowl£70.00 $87.66   €84.02 Victorian Copeland Fluted Ceramic BowlYore Antiques
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