Carlton Ware

Found 60 For Sale and Sold    ( 14 for sale )  
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Carlton Ware Kangeroo My Goodness My Guinness£120.00 $151.69   €144.82 Carlton Ware Kangeroo My Goodness My GuinnessJohn Austin Antiques Super Carlton Ware Blue Bird Of Paradise Vase£85.00 $107.45   €102.58 Super Carlton Ware Blue Bird Of Paradise VaseMelbourne Antiques Large Carlton Ware Ginger Jar, Mikado Pattern £250 $316.03   €301.7 Large Carlton Ware Ginger Jar, Mikado Pattern No. 25 Carlton Ware Mint Sauce Boat £20.00 $25.28   €24.14 Carlton Ware Mint Sauce Boat Yore Antiques
Carlton Ware Rogue Royale WILD DUCK Pattern Dish£39.99 $50.55   €48.26 Carlton Ware Rogue Royale WILD DUCK Pattern DishJohn Austin Antiques Carlton Ware Blue Royal Pagoda Vase  Carlton Ware Blue Royal Pagoda VaseWalcot And Co Pair Of Art Deco Carlton Ware Vases Chinoiserie Roleau£795.00 $1004.96   €959.41 Pair Of Art Deco Carlton Ware Vases Chinoiserie RoleauPrior And Willis Antiques Victorian Pottery Tobacco Box / Match Striker  Victorian Pottery Tobacco Box / Match StrikerKingsdown Antiques
Large Carlton Ware Charger  Large Carlton Ware ChargerWalcot And Co Rare Carlton Ware Hangman Mug£48.00 $60.68   €57.93 Rare Carlton Ware Hangman MugMelbourne Antiques Carlton Ware Leaf Butter Plate£24.00 $30.34   €28.96 Carlton Ware Leaf Butter PlateMelbourne Antiques Carlton Ware Leaf Butter Dish And Knife£22.00 $27.81   €26.55 Carlton Ware Leaf Butter Dish And KnifeMelbourne Antiques
Carlton Ware Guiness Advertising Toucan£58.00 $73.32   €69.99 Carlton Ware Guiness Advertising ToucanMelbourne Antiques Pair Of Carlton Ware Vases.£150 $189.62   €181.02 Pair Of Carlton Ware Vases.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Carlton Ware Ginger Jar On Chinese Stand£875 $1106.09   €1055.95 Carlton Ware Ginger Jar On Chinese StandGeorgian Antiques Carlton Ware Lustre Vases Stork & Bamboo Pattern£295 $372.91   €356.01 Carlton Ware Lustre Vases Stork & Bamboo PatternRams Head Antiques
Pair Of Carlton Ware Athena Bookends£130.00 $164.33   €156.88 Pair Of Carlton Ware 'Athena' BookendsAlphabet Antiques Carlton Ware Hat Pin Holder£55 $69.53   €66.37 Carlton Ware Hat Pin HolderRecess Antiques Carlton Ware - Dragonfly And Spiders Web Pattern£550 $695.26   €663.74 Carlton Ware - Dragonfly And Spider's Web PatternDenbighshire Antiques Carlton Ware Vase - Tree & Swallow Pattern£600 $758.46   €724.08 Carlton Ware Vase - Tree & Swallow PatternDenbighshire Antiques
Carlton Ware Rouge Ginger Jar And Lid £40.00 $50.56   €48.27 Carlton Ware Rouge Ginger Jar And Lid Tarka Antiques Carlton Ware Rouge  Mikado Jar And Lid£40.00 $50.56   €48.27 Carlton Ware Rouge Mikado Jar And LidTarka Antiques Carlton Ware Rouge Royale Mikado Vase £40.00 $50.56   €48.27 Carlton Ware Rouge Royale Mikado Vase Tarka Antiques Art Deco Crinoline Lady Napkin Ring - Carlton Ware£55 $69.53   €66.37 Art Deco Crinoline Lady Napkin Ring - Carlton WareLavender Hill Antiques
Large Carltonware Bowl Rouge Royale£175 $221.22   €211.19 Large Carltonware Bowl 'Rouge Royale'Fernyhough Antiques W & R Carlton Ware Cornucopia Teapot £75.00 $94.81   €90.51 W & R Carlton Ware Cornucopia Teapot Tarka Antiques Carlton Ware Hollyhocks Octagonal Bowl£295.00 $372.91   €356.01 Carlton Ware Hollyhocks Octagonal BowlTarka Antiques Rare Empire Exhibition Ashtray W&R Carlton China£75 $94.81   €90.51 Rare Empire Exhibition Ashtray W&R Carlton ChinaLavender Hill Antiques
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