Cranberry Glass

Found 652 For Sale and Sold    ( 219 for sale  433 sold )  
 Victorian Cranberry Glass Frilled Oil Lamp Shade£325 $399.72   €384.31 Victorian Cranberry Glass Frilled Oil Lamp ShadeThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Victorian Ruby / Cranberry And Gilded Glass Tray£110 $135.29   €130.08 Victorian Ruby / Cranberry And Gilded Glass TrayPaul Doran Antiques Victorian Ruby Glass Lustre£195.00 $239.83   €230.59 Victorian Ruby Glass LustreTwojays Corner Antiques Victorian Cranberry Hand Held Oil Lamp--No Chimney£65 $79.94   €76.86 Victorian Cranberry Hand Held Oil Lamp--No ChimneyThose Were The Days
A Cranberry Hand Held Oil Lamp. Victorian£85 $104.54   €100.51 A Cranberry Hand Held Oil Lamp. VictorianThose Were The Days Cranberry Glass Mary Gregory Vase£68 $83.63   €80.41 Cranberry Glass Mary Gregory VaseSylvie Collett - Sewantiques Antique Cranberry Glass Vase£75 $92.24   €88.69 Antique Cranberry Glass VaseThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Victorian Cranberry Glass Epergne Centre Piece£345 $424.32   €407.96 Victorian Cranberry Glass Epergne Centre PieceThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge
Vintage Cranberry Tall Glass Vase£38.00 $46.74   €44.94 Vintage Cranberry Tall Glass VaseYore Antiques Cranberry Assortment 5 Pieces£30 $36.9   €35.48 Cranberry Assortment 5 PiecesThose Were The Days A Victorian Glass Basket With Cranberry Tint.£50 $61.5   €59.13 A Victorian Glass Basket With Cranberry Tint.Those Were The Days Cranberry Sugar Shaker 6.00 Inches Tall£45 $55.35   €53.21 Cranberry Sugar Shaker 6.00 Inches TallThose Were The Days
Pair Of Cranberry Wine Glasses.£40 $49.2   €47.3 Pair Of Cranberry Wine Glasses.Those Were The Days Cranberry Glass Decanter With 6 Glasses£195.00 $239.83   €230.59 Cranberry Glass Decanter With 6 GlassesTwojays Corner Antiques Victorian Mahogany Balloon Back Dining Chairs£1195.00 $1469.73   €1413.09 Victorian Mahogany Balloon Back Dining ChairsRetrovia Victorian Mahogany Balloon Back Dining Chairs£1195.00 $1469.73   €1413.09 Victorian Mahogany Balloon Back Dining ChairsRetrovia
Antique Cranberry Jug With 6 Antique Glasses£395 $485.81   €467.09 Antique Cranberry Jug With 6 Antique GlassesRebecca Sarah Antiques Vintage Serving Set, English, Ironstone, Art Deco £595 $731.79   €703.59 Vintage Serving Set, English, Ironstone, Art Deco London Fine Antiques Mary Gregory Style Galleon Cranberry Glass Box£225 $276.73   €266.06 Mary Gregory Style Galleon Cranberry Glass BoxShaun King Antiques Large Pair Victorian Cranberry Lilly Vases£225 $276.73   €266.06 Large Pair Victorian Cranberry Lilly VasesFernyhough Antiques
A Mammoth Red Crystal Goblet £395 $485.81   €467.09 A Mammoth Red Crystal Goblet Leslie And Baggott 2 Large Victorian Cranberry Glass Jugs£150.00 $184.49   €177.38 2 Large Victorian Cranberry Glass JugsLemon Tree Antiques 19th Century Victorian Cranberry Glass Wine Carafe£95 $116.84   €112.34 19th Century Victorian Cranberry Glass Wine CarafeExhibit Antiques Vintage Cranberry Glass Vase£36.00 $44.28   €42.57 Vintage Cranberry Glass VaseYore Antiques
Small Cranberry Glass Jug£28.00 $34.44   €33.11 Small Cranberry Glass JugMelbourne Antiques Set Of Four Cranberry Glass Tumblers£48.00 $59.04   €56.76 Set Of Four Cranberry Glass TumblersMelbourne Antiques Antique Cranberry Glass Tot / Tumbler£48 $59.04   €56.76 Antique Cranberry Glass Tot / TumblerThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Antique Cranberry Glass Jug. £65 $79.94   €76.86 Antique Cranberry Glass Jug. The Antique Shop Sutton Bridge

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