Antique Oil Paintings

Found 8333 For Sale and Sold    ( 2689 for sale  5644 sold )  
Signed Landscape Painting In Impressionist Style £600 $739.44   €711.12 Signed Landscape Painting In Impressionist Style Parino Mercato Antiquario Italian Landscape Painting Oil On Cardboard £600 $739.44   €711.12 Italian Landscape Painting Oil On Cardboard Parino Mercato Antiquario Oil On Board, Boat Yard , Signed£240 $295.78   €284.45 Oil On Board, Boat Yard , SignedJonathan Drake Antique And Decorative Large Painting Sunflowers Kay Faithful£480 $591.55   €568.9 Large Painting Sunflowers Kay FaithfulMillers Antiques Of Wooler
Sidney Y. Johnson Large Marine Oil Dated 1902£595.00 $733.28   €705.19 Sidney Y. Johnson Large Marine Oil Dated 1902Studio RT Ltd Oil On Canvas. Terriers With A Badger.£765 $942.79   €906.68 Oil On Canvas. Terriers With A Badger.Middletons Antiques Oil Painting Liner Ship Gunung Djati By Aden Yemen£2500 $3081   €2963 Oil Painting Liner Ship Gunung Djati By Aden YemenCheshire Antiques Consultant Cargo Ship Adventurer Oil Painting By Cape Town£2500 $3081   €2963 Cargo Ship Adventurer Oil Painting By Cape TownCheshire Antiques Consultant
Primitive Oil Painting Of Girl In A Blue Dress£2100 $2588.04   €2488.92 Primitive Oil Painting Of Girl In A Blue DressLeslie And Baggott Oval Oil Painting Of A Lady£750 $924.3   €888.9 Oval Oil Painting Of A LadyGeorgian Antiques Italian Seascape Painting In Impressionist-style £800 $985.92   €948.16 Italian Seascape Painting In Impressionist-style Parino Mercato Antiquario French Oil Painting On Canvas. Nineteenth Century.£3800 $4683.12   €4503.76 French Oil Painting On Canvas. Nineteenth Century.Borrelli Antichita
Oil Painting On Canvas. 17th Century Period.£6500 $8010.6   €7703.8 Oil Painting On Canvas. 17th Century Period.Borrelli Antichita Oil Painting By Anton Schoth "Evening Unloading The Catch"£1650 $2033.46   €1955.58 Oil Painting By Anton Schoth "Evening Unloading The Catch"Walton House Antiques Silent Companion Dummy Board£895 $1103   €1060.75 Silent Companion Dummy BoardVladds Interiors Italian Signed Painting Landscape 20th Century£700 $862.68   €829.64 Italian Signed Painting Landscape 20th CenturyParino Mercato Antiquario
Oil Painting Highlands Beinn Bhàn Loch Levan£2200 $2711.28   €2607.44 Oil Painting Highlands Beinn Bhàn Loch LevanCheshire Antiques Consultant Oil Painting Pair By George Harris "The Old Miners£1400 $1725.36   €1659.28 Oil Painting Pair By George Harris "The Old MinersWalton House Antiques Oil Painting By Edwin Henry Boddington Evening On The Thames£1450 $1786.98   €1718.54 Oil Painting By Edwin Henry Boddington Evening On The ThamesWalton House Antiques Oil Painting Lady Dorothea On Bay Hunter Horse£2695 $3321.32   €3194.11 Oil Painting Lady Dorothea On Bay Hunter HorseCheshire Antiques Consultant
King Charles I Portrait After Sir Anthony Van Dyck£12950 $15959.58   €15348.34 King Charles I Portrait After Sir Anthony Van DyckMansion House Antiques & Fine Art Woman On A Bay Horse Oil Painting£875.00 $1078.35   €1037.05 Woman On A Bay Horse Oil PaintingLemon Tree Antiques Marangoni Signed Painting From The 60s£800 $985.92   €948.16 Marangoni Signed Painting From The 60sParino Mercato Antiquario Oil Painting By Robin Fenson "A Cottage View"£1450 $1786.98   €1718.54 Oil Painting By Robin Fenson "A Cottage View"Walton House Antiques
Oil Painting Circle Of Abraham Cooper "The Sportsmans Pony"£1250 $1540.5   €1481.5 Oil Painting Circle Of Abraham Cooper "The Sportsmans Pony"Walton House Antiques Oil Painting By Claude Lorraine "A Kentish Farm Steading"£1650 $2033.46   €1955.58 Oil Painting By Claude Lorraine "A Kentish Farm Steading"Walton House Antiques Large 19th Century Unsigned French Oil Painting,  £9600 $11831.04   €11377.92 Large 19th Century Unsigned French Oil Painting, Elmgarden Hunting Sporting Oil Paintings Portrait Of Hounds   Hunting Sporting Oil Paintings Portrait Of Hounds Mansion House Antiques & Fine Art

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