Antique Oil Paintings

Found 8333 For Sale and Sold    ( 2689 for sale  5644 sold )  
Oil Painting Of Christchurch By Ernest Ellis Clark£125 $154.05   €148.15 Oil Painting Of Christchurch By Ernest Ellis ClarkPrometheus Antiques Georgian Landscape Oil Painting With Dog And Cattle£365 $449.83   €432.6 Georgian Landscape Oil Painting With Dog And CattlePrometheus Antiques Oil Painting By William Maw Egley \"The Coming Of Age\"£12250 $15096.9   €14518.7 Oil Painting By William Maw Egley \"The Coming Of Age\"Walton House Antiques Oil Painting By Henri Benard \"Portrait Of Aliette De Pigeard£5750 $7086.3   €6814.9 Oil Painting By Henri Benard \"Portrait Of Aliette De PigeardWalton House Antiques
Oil Painting By George Wright \"The Cottage Door\"£6950 $8565.18   €8237.14 Oil Painting By George Wright \"The Cottage Door\"Walton House Antiques William Henry Davis  A Prize Bull Oil Painting.£8950.00 $11029.98   €10607.54 William Henry Davis A Prize Bull Oil Painting.Christopher Tombs Ltd Oil Painting By Edmund Aubrey Hunt \"A Dutch Estuary\"£3250 $4005.3   €3851.9 Oil Painting By Edmund Aubrey Hunt \"A Dutch Estuary\"Walton House Antiques Fine Georgian Oil Painting Of Lavinia £395 $486.8   €468.15 Fine Georgian Oil Painting Of Lavinia Prometheus Antiques
Oil Painting Of The Old Bridge Near Welham£125 $154.05   €148.15 Oil Painting Of The Old Bridge Near WelhamPrometheus Antiques Pair Of Oil Painting Portraits £895 $1103   €1060.75 Pair Of Oil Painting Portraits Collinge Antiques Falstone North Tyne£450.00 $554.58   €533.34 Falstone North TyneJohn Nicholson Fine Art The Cullercoates Fisher Girl, Isaac Henzell£1850.00 $2279.94   €2192.62 The Cullercoates Fisher Girl, Isaac HenzellJohn Nicholson Fine Art
Large Oil Painting Lake District Crummock Water £8000 $9859.2   €9481.6 Large Oil Painting Lake District Crummock Water Cheshire Antiques Consultant Huge Victorian Painting Floundering Ships Rescue£8000 $9859.2   €9481.6 Huge Victorian Painting Floundering Ships RescueCheshire Antiques Consultant Oil Painting By Edwin Ellis \"Salvaging\"£1950 $2403.18   €2311.14 Oil Painting By Edwin Ellis \"Salvaging\"Walton House Antiques Mid 20th C Still Life Oil Painting By P Kirch£725 $893.49   €859.27 Mid 20th C Still Life Oil Painting By P KirchRobert Belcher Antiques
Oil Painting By Thomas Fallon Marshall \"Mrs Pepys £12750 $15713.1   €15111.3 Oil Painting By Thomas Fallon Marshall \"Mrs Pepys Walton House Antiques Oil Listed French Artist Lucien De Clereauville£165 $203.35   €195.56 Oil Listed French Artist Lucien De ClereauvilleTrade Antiques Clipper Jute Ship Slieve Roe Attributed Lai Fong£4800 $5915.52   €5688.96 Clipper Jute Ship Slieve Roe Attributed Lai FongCheshire Antiques Consultant Oil Painting Pair By William Anslow Thornley £4950 $6100.38   €5866.74 Oil Painting Pair By William Anslow Thornley Walton House Antiques
Oil Painting Pair By William Anslow Thornley  A Morning Calm£3750 $4621.5   €4444.5 Oil Painting Pair By William Anslow Thornley A Morning CalmWalton House Antiques Oil Painting By Arthur Bevan Collier \"A South West\"£975 $1201.59   €1155.57 Oil Painting By Arthur Bevan Collier \"A South West\"Walton House Antiques Oil Painting  By William Stone A Crossroads Near Leominster£1400 $1725.36   €1659.28 Oil Painting By William Stone A Crossroads Near LeominsterWalton House Antiques Oil Painting By Joseph Thors \"A Quiet Day By The River\"£925 $1139.97   €1096.31 Oil Painting By Joseph Thors \"A Quiet Day By The River\"Walton House Antiques
Baron Bernard Willems ‘Why Prejudice?” Signed 1969£2250.00 $2772.9   €2666.7 Baron Bernard Willems ‘Why Prejudice?” Signed 1969Deco Interiors Collecting The Hay John Atkinson£895.00 $1103   €1060.75 Collecting The Hay John AtkinsonJohn Nicholson Fine Art Cattle Watering With Distant Hills William Langley£695.00 $856.52   €823.71 Cattle Watering With Distant Hills William LangleyJohn Nicholson Fine Art Coastal Landscape Oil Painting£375 $462.15   €444.45 Coastal Landscape Oil PaintingKernow Furniture

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