
Found 370 For Sale and Sold    ( 33 for sale )  
1940s Chrome And Black Ships Clock By Smiths  1940's Chrome And Black Ships Clock By SmithsArt Furniture Smiths Quartz Railway School Wall Clock£210.00 $265.76   €253.13 Smiths Quartz Railway School Wall ClockWoodys Antiques Anglo Indian Limton Wall Clock By Smiths£375 $474.56   €452.03 Anglo Indian Limton Wall Clock By SmithsHo Ho Bird Antique Clocks Smiths Enfield Railway School Clock£210.00 $265.76   €253.13 Smiths Enfield Railway School ClockWoodys Antiques
Smiths Astral Ships Clock £195 $246.77   €235.05 Smiths Astral Ships Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd Smiths Railway School Clock£310.00 $392.31   €373.67 Smiths Railway School ClockWoodys Antiques 1960s Smiths Astral 9ct Gold Watch No Inscription£525 $664.39   €632.84 1960s Smiths Astral 9ct Gold Watch No InscriptionPenrose Antiques Miniature English Walnut Bracket Clock£525 $664.39   €632.84 Miniature English Walnut Bracket ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Very Pretty Engraved George VI Silver Bangle£75 $94.91   €90.41 Very Pretty Engraved George VI Silver BangleSemper Silver Of Norfolk Smiths Astral Chrome Ships Clock - Fully Working  Smiths Astral Chrome Ships Clock - Fully WorkingAntiques At Leeds Bakelite Wall Clock By Smiths   Bakelite Wall Clock By Smiths Art Furniture 7? Brass Ship’s Clock By Smith’s£785 $993.42   €946.24 7? Brass Ship’s Clock By Smith’sNimbus Antiques
Smith Bombay Railway School Clock£290.00 $367   €349.57 Smith Bombay Railway School ClockWoodys Antiques Smiths Astral Brass Ships Nautical Marine Clock£675 $854.21   €813.65 Smiths Astral Brass Ships Nautical Marine ClockDavid Wolfenden Antiques 1940s Large Working Factory Clock By Smiths.  1940's Large Working Factory Clock By Smiths.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Factor Clock By Smiths Sectric 1930s   Factor Clock By Smiths Sectric 1930's Art Furniture
Ships Bulkhead Clock£320.00 $404.96   €385.73 Ships Bulkhead ClockWoodys Antiques Good George V Silver Pill Box. Chester 1919£145 $183.5   €174.78 Good George V Silver Pill Box. Chester 1919Carse Antiques And Restoration Massive Smiths Sectric Industrial Wall Clock  Massive Smiths Sectric Industrial Wall ClockArt Furniture Satinwood Fusee Bracket Clock  Satinwood Fusee Bracket ClockThe Clock Work Shop Winchester
Smith Sectric Wall Clock£120.00 $151.86   €144.65 Smith Sectric Wall ClockWoodys Antiques Art Deco Desk Timer£120.00 $151.86   €144.65 Art Deco Desk TimerWoodys Antiques Smiths Enfield School Clock£290.00 $367   €349.57 Smith's Enfield School ClockWoodys Antiques Limed Oak Wall Clock Smiths Enfield  Limed Oak Wall Clock Smiths EnfieldArt Furniture
Smith & Son Of London Mahogany Wooden Dial Clock  Smith & Son Of London Mahogany Wooden Dial ClockWilliam James Antiques And Interiors George VI Heavy Silver Engine Turned Napkin Ring£56 $70.87   €67.5 George VI Heavy Silver Engine Turned Napkin RingSemper Silver Of Norfolk Smith Bakelite Wall Clock£185.00 $234.12   €223 Smith Bakelite Wall ClockWoodys Antiques Leather Bound Complete Set Of Thackerays Works  Leather Bound Complete Set Of Thackeray's WorksLVS Decorative Arts

  • Smiths
