Barker Brothers

Barker Brothers Silversmiths - Birmingham, England

(Note. Dates in brackets are the date of listed items by the maker)

Barker Bros (1896)(1927) Silver Hallmark BB

Herbert Edward Barker & Frank Ernest Barker (1911)(1928) Silver Hallmark HEB over FEB.

Barker Bros Ltd (1913)(1943) Silver Hallmark B.B. over S.LD

Found 93 For Sale and Sold    ( 12 for sale )  
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George III Style Silver Inkstand, Chester 1906£995 $1257.78   €1200.77 George III Style Silver Inkstand, Chester 1906William Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) Iconic English Art Deco Cocktail Shaker£695 $878.55   €838.73 Iconic English Art Deco Cocktail ShakerPuckerings Antiques Mid-Century Silver Napkin Ring, Barker Bros, 1961£70 $88.49   €84.48 Mid-Century Silver Napkin Ring, Barker Bros, 1961Burnell And Rowe 8 X Art Deco Silver Teaspoons, Barker Bros, 1933£200 $252.82   €241.36 8 X Art Deco Silver Teaspoons, Barker Bros, 1933Burnell And Rowe
English Silver Plated Cocktail Tray C.1900£295 $372.91   €356.01 English Silver Plated Cocktail Tray C.1900Puckerings Antiques Twin Handled Silver Bowl. Birmingham 1935£250 $316.03   €301.7 Twin Handled Silver Bowl. Birmingham 1935Carse Antiques Chester Silver Arts And Crafts Boxed Bowl & Spoon£475 $600.45   €573.23 Chester Silver Arts And Crafts Boxed Bowl & SpoonDecades Of Antiques English Silver Plated Cocktail Or Drinks Tray£275 $347.63   €331.87 English Silver Plated Cocktail Or Drinks TrayPuckerings Antiques
Silver Edwardian Cake Stand, Chester 1908.£995.00 $1257.78   €1200.77 Silver Edwardian Cake Stand, Chester 1908.D.J. Massey And Son Cased Set Of Six Silver Teaspoons£95 $120.09   €114.65 Cased Set Of Six Silver TeaspoonsRecess Antiques Silver Inkstand 1904£250.00 $316.03   €301.7 Silver Inkstand 1904Orton Antiques Boxed Set Of  Silver Tea Spoons£135 $170.65   €162.92 Boxed Set Of Silver Tea SpoonsConnollys Clocks
Set Of Six Silver Coffee Spoons Birmingham 1958   Set Of Six Silver Coffee Spoons Birmingham 1958 Woodbridge Antiques Fine Silver Napkin Ring Birmingham 1954  Fine Silver Napkin Ring Birmingham 1954Woodbridge Antiques Sterling Silver Sugar Caster, Birmingham 1939£175 $221.22   €211.19 Sterling Silver Sugar Caster, Birmingham 1939Julie Cartwright Antiques Early 20th C. Silver Plate Sauce Boat, Barker Bros£25 $31.6   €30.17 Early 20th C. Silver Plate Sauce Boat, Barker BrosBurnell And Rowe
Early 20th C. Silver Plate Cream Jug & Sugar Bowl£25 $31.6   €30.17 Early 20th C. Silver Plate Cream Jug & Sugar BowlBurnell And Rowe George V Silver Mustard Spoon, Chester, 1911£15 $18.96   €18.1 George V Silver Mustard Spoon, Chester, 1911Burnell And Rowe George VI Silver 3 Pce Condiment Set, 1938/9£125 $158.01   €150.85 George VI Silver 3 Pce Condiment Set, 1938/9Burnell And Rowe Fine Silver & Glass Butter Dish Birmingham 1953  Fine Silver & Glass Butter Dish Birmingham 1953Woodbridge Antiques
Barker Of Kensington Bulkhead Marine Barometer  Barker Of Kensington Bulkhead Marine BarometerSturmans Antiques Ltd George VI Silver Bonbon Dish£95 $120.09   €114.65 George VI Silver Bonbon DishRecess Antiques 4 X George VI Silver Cake Forks, Birmingham, 1937£80 $101.13   €96.54 4 X George VI Silver Cake Forks, Birmingham, 1937Burnell And Rowe Silver Fish Knives & Forks Albany Pattern, Chester£395 $499.32   €476.69 Silver Fish Knives & Forks Albany Pattern, ChesterWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques)
Miniature Silver Gilt Coronation Throne Birm 1936  Miniature Silver Gilt Coronation Throne Birm' 1936Woodbridge Antiques Unusual Chester Silver Magnum Bottle Coaster  Unusual Chester Silver Magnum Bottle CoasterSturmans Antiques Ltd Art Deco Silver Plated Cocktail Tray C.1930  Art Deco Silver Plated Cocktail Tray C.1930Puckerings Antiques Large Victorian Solid Silver Teapot, 1896£325 $410.83   €392.21 Large Victorian Solid Silver Teapot, 1896William Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques)
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