
Found 199 For Sale and Sold    ( 40 for sale )  
George V Aspreys Silver Sauceboat  George V Aspreys Silver SauceboatSturmans Antiques Ltd Serving Dish By Asprey, London & Royal Worcester£295 $372.32   €355.62 Serving Dish By Asprey, London & Royal WorcesterPuckerings Antiques Burr Walnut Stationery Box By Aspreys   Burr Walnut Stationery Box By Asprey's Martin And Dorothy Harper Antiques Asprey Silver Cigarette Case  Asprey Silver Cigarette CasePrometheus Antiques
George VI, English Silver & Gold Box, Asprey & Co£295 $372.32   €355.62 George VI, English Silver & Gold Box, Asprey & CoDeveron Jewellers Rare Antique Asprey & Co. English Toast Rack£330 $416.49   €397.82 Rare Antique Asprey & Co. English Toast RackPuckerings Antiques Inkwell & Stand.£70 $88.35   €84.39 Inkwell & Stand.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Asprey Solid Silver Art Deco Compact  Asprey Solid Silver Art Deco CompactAgs Treasures
Asprey Silver Hipflask  Asprey Silver HipflaskSunnyside Antiques Silver Pill Box By Asprey£150 $189.32   €180.83 Silver Pill Box By AspreyGoodwin Antiques Asprey Silver Note Jotter£155.00 $195.63   €186.85 Asprey Silver Note JotterWoodys Antiques Asprey Silver Desk Paperweight£155.00 $195.63   €186.85 Asprey Silver Desk PaperweightWoodys Antiques
Silver Magnyfying Glass/Page Turner, Asprey£250 $315.53   €301.38 Silver Magnyfying Glass/Page Turner, AspreyDeveron Jewellers 1909 ASPREY Silver Toast Rack On Silver Dish Base  1909 ASPREY Silver Toast Rack On Silver Dish BaseAntiques At Leeds Asprey & Co. Antique Silver Cocktail Swizzle Stick£95.00 $119.9   €114.52 Asprey & Co. Antique Silver Cocktail Swizzle StickMy Antique Silver Early 20th C Asprey Leather Jewellery Case  Early 20th C Asprey Leather Jewellery CaseWilliam James Antiques And Interiors
Asprey Silver Photo Frame  Asprey Silver Photo FrameJohn Howkins Antiques Silver Asprey & Co. Art Deco Desk Blotter£195 $246.11   €235.07 Silver Asprey & Co. Art Deco Desk BlotterMy Antique Silver Asprey  & Co. Art Noveau Solid Silver Bonbon Dish  Asprey & Co. Art Noveau Solid Silver Bonbon DishAntiques At Leeds Cased Set Of 4 Asprey Bridge Dishes£400.00 $504.84   €482.2 Cased Set Of 4 Asprey Bridge DishesTarka Antiques
Asprey Sterling Silver Three Piece Cruet Set£285.00 $359.7   €343.57 Asprey Sterling Silver Three Piece Cruet SetWoodys Antiques 1950s Asprey London Perpetual Desk Calendar  1950s Asprey London Perpetual Desk CalendarStudio RT Ltd English Silver Box/Card Case, Asprey, London£375 $473.29   €452.06 English Silver Box/Card Case, Asprey, LondonDeveron Jewellers Silver Hip Flask, Asprey, London C1921£395 $498.53   €476.17 Silver Hip Flask, Asprey, London C1921Deveron Jewellers
18CT Gold & Enamel Gents Cufflinks Asprey£695 $877.16   €837.82 18CT Gold & Enamel Gent's Cufflinks AspreyDeveron Jewellers Asprey Travelling Box  Asprey Travelling BoxJohn Howkins Antiques Art Deco 18CT Gold Ladys Wristwatch C1926£695 $877.16   €837.82 Art Deco 18CT Gold Lady's Wristwatch C1926Deveron Jewellers 1930s Aspreys Of London Leather Blotter  1930's Aspreys Of London Leather BlotterMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd

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