Antique Ceramics

Found 16387 For Sale and Sold    ( 4467 for sale  11920 sold )  
Large Salt Glazed Jug£95 $119.97   €115.19 Large Salt Glazed JugTwojays Corner Antiques Continental Ceramic Cherub On Dolphins£190 $239.93   €230.38 Continental Ceramic Cherub On DolphinsAntiquesbydesign Wade Big Ben Bud Vase£39.00 $49.25   €47.29 Wade Big Ben Bud VaseYore Antiques Midwinter Stylecraft Bird Chintz Cake Stand£74.00 $93.45   €89.73 Midwinter Stylecraft Bird Chintz Cake StandYore Antiques
Gres Du Berry Stoneware Jug£41.00 $51.77   €49.71 Gres Du Berry Stoneware JugYore Antiques Wedgwood Keith Murray Moonstone Jug £150.00 $189.42   €181.88 Wedgwood Keith Murray Moonstone Jug Yore Antiques Grainger & Co. Worcester Miniature Tankard 1900£90 $113.65   €109.13 Grainger & Co. Worcester Miniature Tankard 1900Dale Enders Antiques And Collectables A Perfect Ruskin Kingfisher High-fired Bowl£595.00 $751.37   €721.44 A Perfect Ruskin Kingfisher High-fired BowlThe Antiques Bazaar
A Perfect Ruskin Tea Dust Green Lustre Glaze Vase£1195.00 $1509.05   €1448.94 A Perfect Ruskin Tea Dust Green Lustre Glaze VaseThe Antiques Bazaar British Empire Exhibition Wembley 1924 Mug£25.00 $31.57   €30.31 British Empire Exhibition Wembley 1924 MugBarnhill Trading Co. Pair Of George V1 Coronation Mugs£45.00 $56.83   €54.56 Pair Of George V1 Coronation MugsBarnhill Trading Co. Art Deco Blue & White Trio£15.00 $18.94   €18.19 Art Deco Blue & White TrioBarnhill Trading Co.
Art Deco Blue & White Cake Plate£15.00 $18.94   €18.19 Art Deco Blue & White Cake PlateBarnhill Trading Co. Midwinter Domino Stylecraft Milk Jug£29.00 $36.62   €35.16 Midwinter Domino Stylecraft Milk JugYore Antiques Midwinter Domino Sugar Bowl£19.00 $23.99   €23.04 Midwinter Domino Sugar BowlYore Antiques Early 19th Cent Blue/White Tea Bowl£78.00 $98.5   €94.58 Early 19th Cent Blue/White Tea BowlGoodwin Antiques
Clarice Cliff Morning Plate£165 $208.36   €200.06 Clarice Cliff Morning PlateRecess Antiques Superb Farmers Arms Shallow Bowl By Adams£45.00 $56.83   €54.56 Superb Farmers Arms Shallow Bowl By AdamsMelbourne Antiques 6 Chinese Blue & White Porcelain Bowls£25.00 $31.57   €30.31 6 Chinese Blue & White Porcelain BowlsBarnhill Trading Co. Clarice Cliff Biscuit Barrel£550 $694.54   €666.88 Clarice Cliff Biscuit BarrelRecess Antiques
Clarice Cliff Delecia Bowl£295 $372.53   €357.69 Clarice Cliff Delecia BowlRecess Antiques An Ault Ceramic Bowl£45.00 $56.83   €54.56 An Ault Ceramic BowlAntiques And Interiors Stunning Pair  Antique Royal Worcester Candleabra£1850 $2336.18   €2243.13 Stunning Pair Antique Royal Worcester CandleabraDavid Wolfenden Antiques Edwardian  Oval Sandwich Platter£22.00 $27.78   €26.68 Edwardian Oval Sandwich PlatterBarnhill Trading Co.
Edwardian Cake Plate£15.00 $18.94   €18.19 Edwardian Cake PlateBarnhill Trading Co. Collingswood Trio With Generous Cup£22.00 $27.78   €26.68 Collingswood Trio With Generous CupBarnhill Trading Co. Pretty Trio, Cup Saucer Side Plate£18.00 $22.73   €21.83 Pretty Trio, Cup Saucer Side PlateBarnhill Trading Co. Royal Worcester Flatback Jug£85 $107.34   €103.06 Royal Worcester Flatback JugRecess Antiques

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