Antique Wood Carvings

Found 1133 For Sale and Sold    ( 298 for sale  835 sold )  
 A Fine English Carved Oak Frieze Panel C1580£525 $662.97   €636.56 A Fine English Carved Oak Frieze Panel C1580Pre-1800 Antiques Large Carved Figural Black Forest Dog C.1890  Large Carved Figural Black Forest Dog C.1890Puckerings Antiques Tree Trunk Fragment£380.00 $479.86   €460.75 Tree Trunk FragmentPuckhaber Decorative Antiques Pair Of Chinese Dragon Carved Hardwood Panels 19th£365 $460.92   €442.56 Pair Of Chinese Dragon Carved Hardwood Panels 19thRams Head Antiques
Pair Of Antique Chinese Carved Hardwood Panels Of £225 $284.13   €272.81 Pair Of Antique Chinese Carved Hardwood Panels Of Rams Head Antiques A Pair Of 18th Century Oak Linen Fold Panels£280 $353.58   €339.5 A Pair Of 18th Century Oak Linen Fold PanelsEveritt And Rogers Limited Set Of Four Victorian Linenfold Panels£360 $454.61   €436.5 Set Of Four Victorian Linenfold PanelsEveritt And Rogers Limited Balinese Carved Wall Panel, Mid-Century Decorative£895 $1130.21   €1085.19 Balinese Carved Wall Panel, Mid-Century DecorativeLondon Fine Antiques
Decorative Pair Of Carved & Giltwood Plaques With £485 $612.46   €588.06 Decorative Pair Of Carved & Giltwood Plaques With Rams Head Antiques Sculptural Panel£850.00 $1073.38   €1030.63 Sculptural PanelPuckhaber Decorative Antiques Rare 15thC English Antique Oak Carved Pew End£1950 $2462.46   €2364.38 Rare 15thC English Antique Oak Carved Pew EndHolt Antique Furniture 17th Century Carved Oak Somerset Overmantle  17th Century Carved Oak Somerset OvermantleAntique Hadden
Italian Carved Giltwood Wall Bracket  Italian Carved Giltwood Wall BracketPrometheus Antiques Pair Of Ebonised Finials Carved As Heads£195 $246.25   €236.44 Pair Of Ebonised Finials Carved As HeadsRobert Lunn Antiques A Pair Of Carved Wood Putti£185.00 $233.62   €224.31 A Pair Of Carved Wood PuttiHavard And Havard Large French 19thc Finely Carved Walnut Panel  Large French 19thc Finely Carved Walnut PanelLVS Decorative Arts
Italian Carved Boxwood Panel  Italian Carved Boxwood PanelPrometheus Antiques Black Forest Carved Wood Wall Bracket / Stand Stag £75.00 $94.71   €90.94 Black Forest Carved Wood Wall Bracket / Stand Stag Old Birds Antiques 16th Carved Oak Romayne Profile  Panel  16th Carved Oak Romayne Profile PanelAntique Hadden A Medieval Carved Grotesque Angel  A Medieval Carved Grotesque AngelAntique Hadden
Painted Wooden Polychrome Indo-Persian Horse Head £480 $606.14   €582 Painted Wooden Polychrome Indo-Persian Horse Head Rams Head Antiques Large Oak Caryatid Figures Of Angels And Musicians  Large Oak Caryatid Figures Of Angels And MusiciansElmgarden Pair Of 19th Century Carved Putti, Wall Brackets  Pair Of 19th Century Carved Putti, Wall BracketsElmgarden An Early 18th Century Carved Oak Fragment£280.00 $353.58   €339.5 An Early 18th Century Carved Oak FragmentElephantiques
Two Chinese Carved Wood Panels  Two Chinese Carved Wood PanelsHawthornes Antiques A Pair Of 19thc. Gilt Wood Corner Brackets£650 $820.82   €788.13 A Pair Of 19thc. Gilt Wood Corner BracketsPiers Pisani Antiques  Pair Of Carved Hardwood Indian Pedestals£900 $1136.52   €1091.25 Pair Of Carved Hardwood Indian PedestalsGeorgian Antiques A 19th Century Pair Of Carved Oak Brackets, Eagles  A 19th Century Pair Of Carved Oak Brackets, EaglesElmgarden

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 Wood Carvings