Bronze Age Artifacts
Bronze age artifacts and antiquities
Found 44 For Sale and Sold ( 14 for sale 30 sold )
$293.64 €285.05
Bronze-age Twisted Bronze Neck TorcTimesAncient
$122.35 €118.77
Bronze-Age BraceletTimesAncient
$360.93 €350.37
Bronze Age English Palstave Axe Head.Antiquities And Artefacts
$226.35 €219.72
Bronze Age Ceremonial Stone MaceheadTimesAncient
$415.99 €403.82
British Middle Bronze-age Palstave AxeheadTimesAncient
$67.29 €65.32
Ancient Antique Bronze Age, Bronze Arrow. (5130)Antiquarius
$214.11 €207.85
Iranian Bronze-age Pottery Jar Decorated With SnakeTimesAncient
$208 €201.91
Ancient Viking Spiral Bronze Ring 800-1200 ADSchool House Antiques
$269.17 €261.29
Bronze Age Spear HeadAntiquities And Artefacts
Saxon Era Bronze Heavy Buckle (Ref 5018)Antiquarius
$90.54 €87.89
Celtic Ring Pendant, Ring Money (Ref 5030)Antiquarius
$58.73 €57.01
Early Bone Needle - Stone Age - Medieval?Antiquities And Artefacts
$208 €201.91
Ancient Viking Spiral Bronze Ring , 800-1200 ADSchool House Antiques
$152.94 €148.46
English Bronze Age Knife BladeCollect The Past
$275.29 €267.23
Indus Valley Bronze-age ChaliceTimesAncient
$165.17 €160.34
Holy Land Early Bronze Age Pottery JarTimesAncient
$275.29 €267.23
Canaanite Bronze-Age Duckbill Axe HeadTimesAncient
$201.88 €195.97
Canaanite Holy Land Middle Bronze-Age JarTimesAncient
$360.93 €350.37
Early Bronze Age Holy Land Pottery AmphoraTimesAncient
$226.35 €219.72
Indus Valley Bronze-age Pottery ChaliceTimesAncient
$79.53 €77.2
Indus Valley Bronze-age Terracotta CupTimesAncient
$152.94 €148.46
Indus Valley Bronze-age Pottery JarTimesAncient
$550.58 €534.47
British Bronze-age Palstave AxeheadTimesAncient
$422.11 €409.76
Bronze-age Pottery Amphora 3000 BC.TimesAncient
$214.11 €207.85
Ancient Indus Valley Terracotta JarTimesAncient
$293.64 €285.05
Bactrian Bronze-age Offering ChaliceTimesAncient
$201.88 €195.97
Indus Valley Jar Kulli Culture. 2000 BC.TimesAncient
$201.88 €195.97
Indus Valley Pottery Chalice With DecorationTimesAncient