Antique Toys
Found 883 For Sale and Sold ( 143 for sale 740 sold )
$3983.85 €3865.55
FH AYRES Extra Carved Rocking Horse LARGERocking Horse Elite
$1097.09 €1064.51
Doll French Antique Bisque HeadSovereign Antiques
$183.87 €178.41
Franz Schmidt German Doll Circa 1915, FS&C 1295Tyne Valley Antiques
$710.96 €689.85
Early 20thC Noah's ArkMillers Antiques Of Wooler
$349.35 €338.98
Vintage Britains Knights Set With Toy Castle 1971School House Antiques
$220.64 €214.09
Set Of 5 Vintage Toy Cars 1930s To 1960sSchool House Antiques
$165.48 €160.57
Scratch Built Farm Wagon Or Dray Model Miniature Cloverleaf Home Interiors
$8549.96 €8296.07
16 Venetian Marionette Puppets From 18th CenturyDreams Less Sweet Antiques
$520.97 €505.5
Early 20th Century Wooden Dolls HouseNewark Antiques And Interiors
$527.09 €511.44
Child’s Morellet Guerineau Pedal CarNewark Antiques And Interiors
$156.9 €152.24
Steiff Black Cat – ThomCloudberry Antiques
$67.42 €65.42
Lovely Steiff Black Persian Lamb C1950sCloudberry Antiques
$156.9 €152.24
Steiff Black Cat – Thom C1950s/60sCloudberry Antiques
$24.52 €23.79
Lesney WagonMichaels Militaria
$520.97 €505.5
Harrods Giant Teddy Bear, James Christmas Display Elmgarden
$104.19 €101.1
Large Scale Vintage Tinplate CowDaryl Yeates Antiques
$1820.31 €1766.26
Large Rocking Horse Stand 5 Ft 6 Length GreyTrade Antiques
$1409.67 €1367.81
Antique Rocking Horse C1930Fine Antique Mirrors
$672.96 €652.98
Chad Valley Toys HRH Princess Elizabeth DollHashtag Curios
$672.96 €652.98
Chad Valley Toys HRH Princess Margaret Rose DollHashtag Curios
$459.68 €446.03
1960's Triang Pedal ScooterDaryl Yeates Antiques
$91.94 €89.21
Vintage Child's Push Along HorseSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
$484.19 €469.81
Technofix GE255 Tinplate Racing Motorcycle Select Antiques
$557.74 €541.18
Technofix Tinplate Friction Powered ScooterSelect Antiques
$557.74 €541.18
Technofix GE292 Tinplate Friction Powered ScooterSelect Antiques
$171.61 €166.52
Primative Rocking HorseHutton-Clarke Antiques
$134.84 €130.83
Charming 1920's 3 Wheel Childrens Scooter.Michael Allcroft Antiques
$974.51 €945.57
French Naive Tole Automata Of A Clown Riding A PigLeslie And Baggott