Antique Desk Stands

Found 83 For Sale and Sold    ( 26 for sale  57 sold )  
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Walnut Desk Stand. Front Drawer + Inkpots. C1890 £135 $169.06   €162.04 Walnut Desk Stand. Front Drawer + Inkpots. C1890 Antique Boxes And Collectables Fine Ormolu Desk Stand £675 $845.3   €810.2 Fine Ormolu Desk Stand Andrew Lovatt Antiques Napoleon III Style Tortoiseshell & Brass Ink Stand£1200.00 $1502.76   €1440.36 Napoleon III Style Tortoiseshell & Brass Ink StandLVS Decorative Arts Superb Quality Regency Rosewood & Brass Desk Stand£2250.00 $2817.68   €2700.68 Superb Quality Regency Rosewood & Brass Desk StandLVS Decorative Arts
Oak Koran Stand£185 $231.68   €222.06 Oak Koran StandWitch Antiques Antique Decorative Desk Stand, Indian, Ebony£975 $1220.99   €1170.29 Antique Decorative Desk Stand, Indian, EbonyLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Black Forest Bear Pen Rest, German, Bronze£725 $907.92   €870.22 Vintage Black Forest Bear Pen Rest, German, BronzeLondon Fine Antiques Victorian Oak Desk Stand With Silver Plated Red Setter£250 $313.08   €300.08 Victorian Oak Desk Stand With Silver Plated Red SetterPaul Watson Antiques
19th Century Walnut Desk Stand£595.00 $745.12   €714.18 19th Century Walnut Desk StandRetrovia French Cherrywood Book Rest Or Music Stand, Lutrin£425 $532.23   €510.13 French Cherrywood Book Rest Or Music Stand, LutrinElmgarden Arts And Crafts Double Inkwell And Stamp Box Stand£260 $325.6   €312.08 Arts And Crafts Double Inkwell And Stamp Box StandBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds) Victorian Papier Mache Desk Stand.£75 $93.92   €90.02 Victorian Papier Mache Desk Stand.Cavers Antiques
1930 Deco Desk Stand In Marble.£135 $169.06   €162.04 1930 Deco Desk Stand In Marble.Cavers Antiques French Brass Desk Stand, Letter Rack, Ink Stand£125.00 $156.54   €150.04 French Brass Desk Stand, Letter Rack, Ink StandTwojays Corner Antiques Victorian Walnut Desk Stand In The Form Of Piano£1350 $1690.61   €1620.41 Victorian Walnut Desk Stand In The Form Of PianoPaul Watson Antiques Impressive Antique Coromandel Desk Stand£895 $1120.81   €1074.27 Impressive Antique Coromandel Desk StandRebecca Sarah Antiques
Spelter Ink Stand Centred With A Gun Dog£380 $475.87   €456.11 Spelter Ink Stand Centred With A Gun DogChurch Street Antiques French Pewter Art Nouveau Inkwell£100 $125.23   €120.03 French Pewter Art Nouveau InkwellPlanet Antiques 19thC Japanese Gilt Bronze Desk Stand / Inkwell£495.00 $619.89   €594.15 19thC Japanese Gilt Bronze Desk Stand / InkwellTwojays Corner Antiques Regency Rosewood & Brass Inlaid Desk  Inkstand£850 $1064.46   €1020.26 Regency Rosewood & Brass Inlaid Desk InkstandGravener Antiques
Silver-Plated Desk Stand With Cut Glass Inkwells£95.00 $118.97   €114.03 Silver-Plated Desk Stand With Cut Glass InkwellsSlades Antiques Unusual Brass Music Book Rest  Unusual Brass Music Book RestJohn Howkins Antiques A Quality Sienna Marble Desk Stand £380 $475.87   €456.11 A Quality Sienna Marble Desk Stand Andrew Lovatt Antiques Art Deco Pen And Inkwell Pelican Bronze On Marble£130 $162.8   €156.04 Art Deco Pen And Inkwell Pelican Bronze On MarbleAntiques Affair
Brass Desk Stand Ink Stand Standish£95.00 $118.97   €114.03 Brass Desk Stand Ink Stand StandishStudio RT Ltd 19th Century Faience Desk Stand.£185 $231.68   €222.06 19th Century Faience Desk Stand.Malcolm Eglin Antiques Inkstand, Cold Painted Cockatoo, Austrian C1900£2150 $2692.45   €2580.65 Inkstand, Cold Painted Cockatoo, Austrian C1900Robert Belcher Antiques Antique Reception Desk Letter Set, English, Walnut£895 $1120.81   €1074.27 Antique Reception Desk Letter Set, English, WalnutLondon Fine Antiques
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