Found 4995 For Sale and Sold ( 1420 for sale 3575 sold )
$485.97 €471.83
Antique English Porcelain Jug & BowlRebecca Sarah Antiques
$104.58 €101.53
Antique Spode Willow Pattern PlateYore Antiques
$1537.88 €1493.13
Royal Copenhagen Diner ServiceCavers Antiques
$39.37 €38.22
Royal Worcester Leafy Cream Ware Sugar BowlMelbourne Antiques
$2214.54 €2150.1
Amor And Psyche, Hand-painted Porcelain PlaqueAylmer Fine Art
$350.64 €340.43
Superb Pair Of German Tobacco JarsMelbourne Antiques
$190.7 €185.15
Antique Pair Of Comical Figures Of MusiciansMelbourne Antiques
$276.82 €268.76
Pair Of Reticulated Dresden Porcelain BasketsMelbourne Antiques
$79.97 €77.64
Dresden Sprays Cup And SaucerMelbourne Antiques
$79.97 €77.64
Superb Antique Dresden Sprays Cup And Saucer Melbourne Antiques
$203 €197.09
Worcester Candle Snuffer Jenny Lind "Confidence"Sylvie Collett - Sewantiques
$34.45 €33.45
Royal Worcester Coffee Can And SaucerMelbourne Antiques
$92.27 €89.59
Royal Worcester Tyrolean Hat Candle SnufferSylvie Collett - Sewantiques
$55.36 €53.75
Coalport Cream Glazed Zelda Roaring TwentiesMelbourne Antiques
$34.45 €33.45
Early Copeland Spode Plate Waring And GillowsMelbourne Antiques
$79.97 €77.64
Antique German Monkey Band Trumpet PlayerMelbourne Antiques
$350.64 €340.43
Rare Sitzendorf Frog Band Musician DrummerMelbourne Antiques
$153.79 €149.31
Antique Sitzendorf Porcelain Monkey MusicianMelbourne Antiques
$153.79 €149.31
19th C Sitzendorf Monkey Band Trumpet PlayerMelbourne Antiques
$98.42 €95.56
Gilded Model Of A BuddhaAlphington Antiques And Fine Art
$350.64 €340.43
Rare Royal Crown Derby Indian Tree Coffee SetMelbourne Antiques
$67.67 €65.7
Royal Crown Derby Prince George Loving Cup Ltd EdMelbourne Antiques
$2030 €1970.93
Pair Of Antique Royal Worcester Blush Ivory VasesDavid Wolfenden Antiques
$295.27 €286.68
Coalport Sucrier C1830-1840 Penrose Antiques
$46.75 €45.39
19th Century Cabinet PlateMelbourne Antiques
$1104.81 €1072.66
19th Century Chinese Porcelain Qing Horses SealCheshire Antiques Consultant
$59.05 €57.34
Super Gilted Coalport Hong Kong Cabinet Plate Melbourne Antiques
$31.99 €31.06
Beautiful Royal Crown Derby Rougemont PlateMelbourne Antiques