Found 315 For Sale and Sold ( 73 for sale 242 sold )
$153.23 €148.68
Tin Wedding Gift 1950s Ballet Powder CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop
$520.97 €505.5
Sign Folk Art Shop Sign Metal Original C1900Cloverleaf Home Interiors
$46.58 €45.2
Art Deco Tin Cake CuttersYore Antiques
$104.19 €101.1
Large Scale Vintage Tinplate CowDaryl Yeates Antiques
$3677.4 €3568.2
Biscuit Tin Tractor By William Crawfords Cheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd
$275.81 €267.62
Mazawattee Tea Cannister Tin Old English SongsHashtag Curios
$361.61 €350.87
Princess Mary Tin With Contents And NamedCAG Militaria
$72.32 €70.17
Antique Edwardian Art Nouveau Tea Caddy Select Antiques
$79.68 €77.31
Antique Huntley And Palmers Square Biscuit TinLucian Linnell Vintage
$2022.57 €1962.51
Large French Toleware Glove Maker’s Shop Trade SignElmgarden
$796.77 €773.11
Eye And Glasses Window Display Trade SignElmgarden
$116.45 €112.99
Travelers Sample Of A Galvanized Bucket.Michael Allcroft Antiques
$484.19 €469.81
Arnold Mac Tin Plate Motorcycle Select Antiques
$116.45 €112.99
Rare Butter Cup Toffee Tin The Advertising Antiques
$104.19 €101.1
Lovely Early Shop Advertising Tea/coffee TinThe Advertising Antiques
$153.23 €148.68
Victorian Tin Tea Caddy In Shape Of A Coal BoxPrometheus Antiques
$165.48 €160.57
Tin Argosy Advertising SignThe Advertising Antiques
$337.1 €327.09
Lovely Unusual Tin Advertising Sign For AllinsonThe Advertising Antiques
$288.06 €279.51
Very Rare Cowans Toffee Bonzo Dog Tin The Advertising Antiques
$704.84 €683.91
Galvanised Tin BathShackladys Antiques
$300.32 €291.4
Hand Painted Indian Folk Art Stand Or Low TableElmgarden
$275.81 €267.62
Hand Painted Indian Folk Art Stand Or Low TableElmgarden
$1219.67 €1183.45
Traditional Large Iron Hanging Pub Sign. The BootElmgarden
$950 €921.79
French Painted Toleware And Brass Triple Desk LampElmgarden
$1005.16 €975.31
Princess Mary Tin With ContentsNewark Antiques And Interiors
$34.32 €33.3
A Riley's Toffee TinPear Tree Antiques
$919.35 €892.05
Tole ClockNewsum Antiques
$239.03 €231.93
Large Size Victorian Original Painted Tin Hat BoxElmgarden