
Found 940 For Sale and Sold    ( 246 for sale  694 sold )  
Venetian Walnut Trumeau With Geometric Inlays.£9500 $11785.7   €11398.1 Venetian Walnut Trumeau With Geometric Inlays.Borrelli Antichita 1800s French  Bureau Plat£450 $558.27   €539.91 1800s French Bureau PlatYew Tree Antiques Warehouse Fine Quality 19th Century French Bureau Plat£2850 $3535.71   €3419.43 Fine Quality 19th Century French Bureau PlatCamden Antiques 19thc French Style Kingwood Inlaid Centre Table£4200.00 $5210.52   €5039.16 19thc French Style Kingwood Inlaid Centre TableLVS Decorative Arts
Pair Of French Lamp Stands / Bedsides£630 $781.58   €755.87 Pair Of French Lamp Stands / BedsidesFlemish Chandeliers Pair French Louis XVI  Porcelain Mounted Cabinets£12995 $16121.6   €15591.4 Pair French Louis XVI Porcelain Mounted CabinetsFernyhough Antiques Napoleon III Kingwood Coffee Table. 19th Century.£1500 $1860.9   €1799.7 Napoleon III Kingwood Coffee Table. 19th Century.Borrelli Antichita Pair Of Kingwood Bed Side. XX Century.£1200 $1488.72   €1439.76 Pair Of Kingwood Bed Side. XX Century.Borrelli Antichita
Italian Coffee Table In Polychrome Wood. 20th Cent£900 $1116.54   €1079.82 Italian Coffee Table In Polychrome Wood. 20th CentBorrelli Antichita French Kingwood Pot Cupboard Late 19thC£950 $1178.57   €1139.81 French Kingwood Pot Cupboard Late 19thCChurch Street Antiques French Kingwood Chest Of Drawers. 19th Century.£3000 $3721.8   €3599.4 French Kingwood Chest Of Drawers. 19th Century.Borrelli Antichita QUALITY Kingwood Writing Box.  C1835£425 $527.26   €509.92 QUALITY Kingwood Writing Box. C1835Antique Boxes And Collectables
French Gilt Bronze Mounted Kingwood Centre Table£8500 $10545.1   €10198.3 French Gilt Bronze Mounted Kingwood Centre TableChurch Street Antiques Antique Marquetry Inlaid Kingwood Dressing Table £1685 $2090.41   €2021.66 Antique Marquetry Inlaid Kingwood Dressing Table Unique Antiques By Emma Jade 17th Century William And Mary Kingwood Strong Box£12750 $15817.65   €15297.45 17th Century William And Mary Kingwood Strong BoxLoveday Antiques Ltd Superb French 19thc Kingwood Occasional Table£2750.00 $3411.65   €3299.45 Superb French 19thc Kingwood Occasional TableLVS Decorative Arts
French  Marble-Top Kingwood And Walnut Commode£1490 $1848.49   €1787.7 French Marble-Top Kingwood And Walnut CommodeGeorgian Antiques Pair Of Antique French Kingwood Bedside Chests£1250 $1550.75   €1499.75 Pair Of Antique French Kingwood Bedside ChestsMarylebone Antiques Antique Ormolu Mounted Side Cabinet In Kingwood£775 $961.47   €929.85 Antique Ormolu Mounted Side Cabinet In KingwoodMarylebone Antiques Antique Coiffeuse Dressing Table, French, Kingwood£2450 $3039.47   €2939.51 Antique Coiffeuse Dressing Table, French, KingwoodLondon Fine Antiques
French Two Tier Kingwood Occasional Table £895 $1110.34   €1073.82 French Two Tier Kingwood Occasional Table Fairford Barn Antiques Pair Of 19th Century French Commodes£22500 $27913.5   €26995.5 Pair Of 19th Century French CommodesLoveday Antiques Ltd Antique Quality Kingwood Marble Top Sideboard£12000 $14887.2   €14397.6 Antique Quality Kingwood Marble Top SideboardLondon City Antiques Regency Satinwood Kingwood Writing Table£4950 $6140.97   €5939.01 Regency Satinwood Kingwood Writing TableWalton House Antiques
Victorian French Kingwood Display Cabinet £1850 $2295.11   €2219.63 Victorian French Kingwood Display Cabinet Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Bedside Cabinet, French Kingwood £1695 $2102.82   €2033.66 Antique Bedside Cabinet, French Kingwood London Fine Antiques Napoleon III French Kingwood Sideboard.XIX Century£2500 $3101.5   €2999.5 Napoleon III French Kingwood Sideboard.XIX CenturyBorrelli Antichita Demi-lune Chest Of Drawers Napoleon III.19th C.£1800 $2233.08   €2159.64 Demi-lune Chest Of Drawers Napoleon III.19th C.Borrelli Antichita