Cast Iron
Found 2913 For Sale and Sold ( 697 for sale 2216 sold )
$243.11 €233.04
GWR Fasten Gate NoticeRecess Antiques
$853.99 €818.64
Cast Iron Fire Dogs And Grate Bespoke 1930,STrade Antiques
$1115.8 €1069.61
Antique Fireplace Set, English, Iron, Fire BasketLondon Fine Antiques
$1090.86 €1045.71
Antique Portico Stick Stand, English, Cast IronLondon Fine Antiques
$405.18 €388.41
Wrought Iron Triple Hook Hat And Coat RackHobson May Collection
$3708.93 €3555.42
Coalbrookdale Style Cast Iron Hall StandShackladys Antiques
$741.79 €711.08
Super Cast Iron Stick StandFernyhough Antiques
$436.35 €418.29
Great Northern Railway Beware Of The Trains SignRecess Antiques
$99.74 €95.61
LMS Shut & Fasten Gate Cast Iron SignRecess Antiques
$211.94 €203.17
Cambrian Railway "Shut The Gate" NoticeRecess Antiques
$367.78 €352.55
LSWR Safety Warning SignRecess Antiques
$554.78 €531.82
Pair Of Victorian Cast Iron Fire DogsShackladys Antiques
$81.04 €77.68
Midland Railway PaperweightRecess Antiques
$4799.8 €4601.14
Antique Ornate Cast Iron Garden SeatLondon City Antiques
$741.79 €711.08
Small Antique Fire Back, English, Iron, FireplaceLondon Fine Antiques
$330.38 €316.7
Cast Iron Metal Plaque Man And Woman At Well 1760Trade Antiques
$68.57 €65.73
GWR Ash Tray On A StandRecess Antiques
$299.21 €286.82
Regency Boot ScraperPaffron And Scott
$367.78 €352.55
Cast Iron Umbrella/ Stick StandSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
$617.12 €591.57
Cast Iron Tiled Fireplace With Surround Reclaimed World
$367.78 €352.55
Cast Iron Umbrella / Stick StandSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
$1115.8 €1069.61
Vintage Fireplace Set, English, Cast IronLondon Fine Antiques
$1558.38 €1493.88
Victorian Polished Cast Iron Safe By WhitfieldsLT Antiques
$853.99 €818.64
Pair Antique Heals 3ft Single BedsKernow Furniture
$617.12 €591.57
Super Pair Large Cast Iron CandlesticksFernyhough Antiques
$561.02 €537.8
Blacksmith Cast Iron AnvilSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
$498.68 €478.04
Blacksmiths Cast Iron AnvilSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
$305.44 €292.8
Cast Iron Fireback C.1900Collinge Antiques