
Found 127 For Sale and Sold    ( 23 for sale  104 sold )  
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Vintage Designer Coffee Table, Dutch, Slate, Decor£1825 $2265.56   €2185.07 Vintage Designer Coffee Table, Dutch, Slate, DecorLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Decorative Coffee Table, Dutch, Kingma£2250 $2793.15   €2693.93 Vintage Decorative Coffee Table, Dutch, KingmaLondon Fine Antiques Lovely Antique Victorian Mantle Clock£495 $614.49   €592.66 Lovely Antique Victorian Mantle ClockUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Slate Fire Surround£495 $614.49   €592.66 Slate Fire SurroundKernow Furniture
1858 French Slate Striking Mantel Clock By Japy£325 $403.46   €389.12 1858 French Slate Striking Mantel Clock By JapyTime To Admire Barraud & Lunds Cornhill London Fusee Mantel Clock£675 $837.95   €808.18 Barraud & Lunds Cornhill London Fusee Mantel ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Painted  Scripture Of The Commandments On Slate £650 $806.91   €778.25 Painted Scripture Of The Commandments On Slate Elmgarden Antique French 8 Day Mantle Clock C1875.£750 $931.05   €897.98 Antique French 8 Day Mantle Clock C1875.The Chimes
Coat Of Arms From Borough Of Finchley£495 $614.49   €592.66 Coat Of Arms From Borough Of FinchleyElmgarden 1857 French Slate/Marble Mantel Clock By Frères & Co£425 $527.6   €508.85 1857 French Slate/Marble Mantel Clock By Frères & CoTime To Admire Welsh Slate£345 $428.28   €413.07 Welsh SlateMouse House Antiques Polished Slate Visible Escapement Mantel Clock£825 $1024.16   €987.77 Polished Slate Visible Escapement Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Wonderful French Slate And Marble Clock Garniture£895 $1111.05   €1071.58 Wonderful French Slate And Marble Clock GarnitureFernyhough Antiques Vintage Danish Rosewood & Slate Coffee Table. £625 $775.88   €748.31 Vintage Danish Rosewood & Slate Coffee Table. Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Stunning 1858 French Drumhead Striking Mantel Clock £3000 $3724.2   €3591.9 Stunning 1858 French Drumhead Striking Mantel Clock Antiquitatum Sculptural Bust Of Eagle Head. £95 $117.93   €113.74 Sculptural Bust Of Eagle Head. Ferreira Antiques
Antique French Clock C1897, Barraud & Lunds£2250 $2793.15   €2693.93 Antique French Clock C1897, Barraud & LundsThe Chimes Antique French Clock£250 $310.35   €299.33 Antique French ClockVictorian Four Poster Beds Silver Edwardian Two Handled Basket, Bham 1907£295 $366.21   €353.2 Silver Edwardian Two Handled Basket, B'ham 1907D.J. Massey And Son Silver Art Deco 5 Piece Dressing Table Set 1940/41£285.00 $353.8   €341.23 Silver Art Deco 5 Piece Dressing Table Set 1940/41D.J. Massey And Son
Victorian Slate  Surround + Victorian Tiled Insert£1200.00 $1489.68   €1436.76 Victorian Slate Surround + Victorian Tiled InsertVictoriana Antique Fireplaces Continental Ebony Table With Black Slate Top£395 $490.35   €472.93 Continental Ebony Table With Black Slate TopFernyhough Antiques Large Victorian Slate Fireplace C1890£2500 $3103.5   €2993.25 Large Victorian Slate Fireplace C1890Ryan Smith Antique Fireplaces 19th Century Brocot Perpetual Clock£2200 $2731.08   €2634.06 19th Century Brocot Perpetual ClockDorking Clock Centre
Small Proportioned Belgian Slate Mantel Clock £495 $614.49   €592.66 Small Proportioned Belgian Slate Mantel Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Edwin Landseer Rare Oil Painting On Slate   Edwin Landseer Rare Oil Painting On Slate Elmgarden  1920s SLATE SHELVING (PINK)£960 $1191.74   €1149.41 1920s SLATE SHELVING (PINK)D And A Binder Ltd 1920s SLATE SHELVING£2400 $2979.36   €2873.52 1920s SLATE SHELVINGD And A Binder Ltd
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