
Found 3707 For Sale and Sold    ( 793 for sale  2914 sold )  
Large Early 20thC Copper Footed Bowl£180 $223.45   €215.51 Large Early 20thC Copper Footed BowlChurch Street Antiques 19th Century Copper & Brass Coal Scuttle£325 $403.46   €389.12 19th Century Copper & Brass Coal ScuttleMiddletons Antiques A Pair Of Copper Wall Lights£565 $701.39   €676.47 A Pair Of Copper Wall LightsElmgarden WMF Copper Hinged Box£50 $62.07   €59.87 WMF Copper Hinged BoxTyne Valley Antiques
Arts And Crafts Copper And Brass Sword Poker  £425 $527.6   €508.85 Arts And Crafts Copper And Brass Sword Poker Elmgarden Antiqued Copper Plaque/Shield£195 $242.07   €233.47 Antiqued Copper Plaque/ShieldFlemish Chandeliers Early 20th Century Coppered Hall Lantern£650 $806.91   €778.25 Early 20th Century Coppered Hall LanternWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) John Pearson Arts And Crafts Copper Zodiac Charger£5000 $6207   €5986.5 John Pearson Arts And Crafts Copper Zodiac ChargerThe Two Arthurs
Large Vintage Relief Charger, Belgian, Hand Beaten£595 $738.63   €712.39 Large Vintage Relief Charger, Belgian, Hand BeatenLondon Fine Antiques Egyptian Cairo Ware Silver Inlaid Charger C1900£695 $862.77   €832.12 Egyptian Cairo Ware Silver Inlaid Charger C1900Robert Belcher Antiques Large Scottish Copper Wall Lantern £650 $806.91   €778.25 Large Scottish Copper Wall Lantern Nethermill Antiques Victorian Copper Pot On Cast Iron Stand£255 $316.56   €305.31 Victorian Copper Pot On Cast Iron StandMalcolm Eglin Antiques
Copper Bust Of Princess Alexandra Of Denmark£275 $341.39   €329.26 Copper Bust Of Princess Alexandra Of DenmarkHawthornes Antiques Cast Iron & Beaten Copper PubTable Or Garden Table£375 $465.53   €448.99 Cast Iron & Beaten Copper PubTable Or Garden TableElmgarden A Late 19th Century Aesthetic Vase£80.00 $99.31   €95.78 A Late 19th Century Aesthetic VaseAntique Architectural Brass Victorian Copper Coal Scuttle £175 $217.25   €209.53 Victorian Copper Coal Scuttle Smiths Vintage
Fabulous English Large 19th Antique Copper Lantern£975 $1210.37   €1167.37 Fabulous English Large 19th Antique Copper LanternMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Victorian Circular Copper Bed Warmer£350.00 $434.49   €419.06 Victorian Circular Copper Bed WarmerAntique Architectural Brass Rare 19th Century Copper Warmer Centre Piece £495 $614.49   €592.66 Rare 19th Century Copper Warmer Centre Piece Unique Antiques By Emma Jade American Copper Plaque Of A Native American £160.00 $198.62   €191.57 American Copper Plaque Of A Native American Antique Architectural Brass
Set Of Arts And Crafts Copper Finger Plates£360.00 $446.9   €431.03 Set Of Arts And Crafts Copper Finger PlatesAntique Architectural Brass Victorian Copper Bed Warmer£275.00 $341.39   €329.26 Victorian Copper Bed WarmerAntique Architectural Brass Art Nouveau Beaten Copper Stick And Umbrella Stand£750 $931.05   €897.98 Art Nouveau Beaten Copper Stick And Umbrella StandChurch Street Antiques Arts & Crafts Fireside Box By J&F Pool Of Hayle£395.00 $490.35   €472.93 Arts & Crafts Fireside Box By J&F Pool Of HayleCeltic Antiques
Vintage Copper Port & Starboard Lights£195.00 $242.07   €233.47 Vintage Copper Port & Starboard LightsSunnyside Antiques French Arts And Crafts, Copper Letter Rack£250 $310.35   €299.33 French Arts And Crafts, Copper Letter RackElmgarden Arts & Crafts Copper Fire Fender£495 $614.49   €592.66 Arts & Crafts Copper Fire FenderKernow Furniture Arts & Crafts Hand Hammered Copper Bowl 35cm£95 $117.93   €113.74 Arts & Crafts Hand Hammered Copper Bowl 35cmTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts