Flame Mahogany

Found 801 For Sale and Sold    ( 105 for sale  696 sold )  
Georgian Flame Mahogany Twin Canister + Bowl Tea C£260 $322.56   €311.95 Georgian Flame Mahogany Twin Canister + Bowl Tea CAntique Boxes And Collectables Victorian Mahogany Picture Frame With Carved Detail£135 $167.48   €161.97 Victorian Mahogany Picture Frame With Carved DetailRams Head Antiques Fine Gillows 8472 Flame Mahogany Tea Poy£2350 $2915.41   €2819.53 Fine Gillows 8472 Flame Mahogany Tea PoyJohn Howkins Antiques Large Flame Mahogany Jewellery Box + Tray. C1870£240 $297.74   €287.95 Large Flame Mahogany Jewellery Box + Tray. C1870Antique Boxes And Collectables
 Regency 12 Person Thomas Hope Manor Dining Table£18950 $23509.37   €22736.21 Regency 12 Person Thomas Hope Manor Dining TableRoyal House Antiques William IV Flame Mahogany Lamp Table£795 $986.28   €953.84 William IV Flame Mahogany Lamp TableCamden Antiques Pair Of Regency 1815 Dwarf Waterfall Bookcases £2950 $3659.77   €3539.41 Pair Of Regency 1815 Dwarf Waterfall Bookcases Royal House Antiques Restored 1830 Mahogany Extending 4-12 Dining Table£7995 $9918.6   €9592.4 Restored 1830 Mahogany Extending 4-12 Dining TableRoyal House Antiques
George Lll Style Flame Mahogany Chest On Chest£895.00 $1110.34   €1073.82 George Lll Style Flame Mahogany Chest On ChestRetrovia William IV Flame Mahogany Wardrobe£2650 $3287.59   €3179.47 William IV Flame Mahogany WardrobeCamden Antiques Antique French Marble Top Chest Of Drawers£695 $862.22   €833.86 Antique French Marble Top Chest Of DrawersHarmony Antiques Antique French Marble Top Chest Of Drawers£695 $862.22   €833.86 Antique French Marble Top Chest Of DrawersHarmony Antiques
Antique French Marble Top Chest Of Drawers£695 $862.22   €833.86 Antique French Marble Top Chest Of DrawersHarmony Antiques A Magnificent Newspaper/periodical Holder£385 $477.63   €461.92 A Magnificent Newspaper/periodical HolderThose Were The Days Regency Flame Mahogany Console Table£1950 $2419.17   €2339.61 Regency Flame Mahogany Console TableCamden Antiques Thomas Pace Of London, Georgian Longcase Clock£3450 $4280.07   €4139.31 Thomas Pace Of London, Georgian Longcase ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
English Victorian Mahogany & Leather Box Stool£545 $676.13   €653.89 English Victorian Mahogany & Leather Box StoolYola Gray Antiques Denner, Henley-on-Thames Fusee Wall Clock£830 $1029.7   €995.83 Denner, Henley-on-Thames Fusee Wall ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Parkinson & Frodsham Bracket / Table Clock£2450 $3039.47   €2939.51 Parkinson & Frodsham Bracket / Table ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd 19th C Sarcophagus Shaped Mahogany Wine Cooler£1895 $2350.94   €2273.62 19th C Sarcophagus Shaped Mahogany Wine CoolerRobert Belcher Antiques
Funnell Of Brighton Fusee Bracket Clock£1275 $1581.77   €1529.75 Funnell Of Brighton Fusee Bracket ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Biedermeier Console With Mirror£1495 $1854.7   €1793.7 Biedermeier Console With MirrorFernyhough Antiques Georgian Mahogany Waterfall Open Bookcase£1295 $1606.58   €1553.74 Georgian Mahogany Waterfall Open BookcaseFernyhough Antiques Superb Pair Mahogany Bedside Lamp Chest Of Drawers£1495 $1854.7   €1793.7 Superb Pair Mahogany Bedside Lamp Chest Of DrawersFernyhough Antiques
William Kemp, Lewes Georgian Longcase Clock£3750 $4652.25   €4499.25 William Kemp, Lewes Georgian Longcase ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Small Antique Ladies Correspondence Table, English£2250 $2791.35   €2699.55 Small Antique Ladies Correspondence Table, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques Mahogany Carlton House Desk£2200.00 $2729.32   €2639.56 Mahogany Carlton House DeskAthey Antiques P J Le Gros London Bracket Mantel Clock£1950 $2419.17   €2339.61 P J Le Gros London Bracket Mantel ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd