
Found 604 For Sale and Sold    ( 136 for sale  468 sold )  
Unusual Newcastle Pottery Jug  Unusual Newcastle Pottery JugPrometheus Antiques Early Staffordshire Figure Of Jove  Early Staffordshire Figure Of JovePrometheus Antiques Enoch Wood Large Pearlware Figure  Enoch Wood Large Pearlware FigurePrometheus Antiques Fine Wheildon Creamware Plate  Fine Wheildon Creamware PlatePrometheus Antiques
Masons Platter From Kings College Cambridge  Mason's Platter From King's College CambridgePrometheus Antiques Fine Hand Painted Japanese Satsuma Lobed Bowl£195 $251.37   €232.38 Fine Hand Painted Japanese Satsuma Lobed BowlRams Head Antiques Fine Hand Painted Japanese Satsuma Vase Hakuzan£345 $444.74   €411.14 Fine Hand Painted Japanese Satsuma Vase HakuzanRams Head Antiques Pair Of Japanese Satsuma Vases£265 $341.61   €315.8 Pair Of Japanese Satsuma VasesRams Head Antiques
William Brownfield Majolica Leaping Fish Teapot  William Brownfield Majolica Leaping Fish TeapotThe Fancy Fox Minton Majolica The Shakespeare Jug Pitcher  Minton Majolica The Shakespeare Jug PitcherThe Fancy Fox Painted Shop Tobacco Jar  Painted Shop Tobacco JarElmgarden Painted Shop Tobacco Jar  Painted Shop Tobacco JarElmgarden
Celadon Crackle Glaze Arts & Crafts Candlesticks£80.00 $103.13   €95.34 Celadon Crackle Glaze Arts & Crafts CandlesticksAntiquesbydesign Wedgwood Majolica Ocean Argenta Sardine Box Crate  Wedgwood Majolica Ocean Argenta Sardine Box CrateThe Fancy Fox Minton Majolica Figural Putto Card/Sweetmeat Tray  Minton Majolica Figural Putto Card/Sweetmeat TrayThe Fancy Fox Doulton Lambeth Ware Vase By Francis Pope£275 $354.5   €327.72 Doulton Lambeth Ware Vase By Francis PopeAntiquesbydesign
Minton Majolica Palissy Renaissance Platter  Minton Majolica Palissy Renaissance PlatterThe Fancy Fox Crown Derby Kings Imari Strawberry Server Set   Crown Derby Kings Imari Strawberry Server Set The Fancy Fox Victorian George Jones Majolica Sardine Box Server  Victorian George Jones Majolica Sardine Box ServerThe Fancy Fox 19thC French Faience Poodle Dog Tobacco Jar  19thC French Faience Poodle Dog Tobacco JarThe Fancy Fox
Three Early Delft Plates  Three Early Delft PlatesPrometheus Antiques Superb English Delft Charger With Peacock  Superb English Delft Charger With PeacockPrometheus Antiques Fine Japanese Miniature Satsuma Teapot£285 $367.39   €339.63 Fine Japanese Miniature Satsuma TeapotRams Head Antiques Fine Hand Painted Japanese Satsuma Teapot£365 $470.52   €434.97 Fine Hand Painted Japanese Satsuma TeapotRams Head Antiques
Moorcroft Pansy Pattern Vase  Moorcroft Pansy Pattern VasePrometheus Antiques Moorcroft Orchid With Spring Flowers Pattern Vase  Moorcroft Orchid With Spring Flowers Pattern VasePrometheus Antiques Pair Of Quimper French Faience Pottery Dishes£28.00 $36.09   €33.37 Pair Of Quimper French Faience Pottery DishesVillage-on-the-web Ltd Alan Caiger-Smith HUGE Studio Pottery Storage Jar  Alan Caiger-Smith HUGE Studio Pottery Storage JarLupercal Antiques And Design