Mid 19th Century Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 719 For Sale and Sold    ( 185 for sale  534 sold )  
French Gladius Sidearm In Scabbard  French Gladius Sidearm In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques 19th Century Japanese Wakizashi Sword   19th Century Japanese Wakizashi Sword Christopher Walker Antiques Victorian Naval Sword By Matthews Portsea  Victorian Naval Sword By Matthews PortseaChristopher Walker Antiques 19th Century French Brigette Sidearm In Scabbard  19th Century French Brigette Sidearm In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques
Late 19th Century Spanish Infantry Officers Sword  Late 19th Century Spanish Infantry Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Large Military Pinfire Pistol £330 $425.4   €393.26 Large Military Pinfire Pistol Smiths Vintage Comblain 1873 Rifle£800 $1031.28   €953.36 Comblain 1873 RifleSmiths Vintage Brass Hilted German Cavalry Sword  Brass Hilted German Cavalry SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
1853 Patt Cavalry Sword £325 $418.96   €387.3 1853 Patt Cavalry Sword Smiths Vintage French Infantry Officers  2nd Empire Epee   French Infantry Officers 2nd Empire Epee Christopher Walker Antiques Pin Fire Revolver £120 $154.69   €143 Pin Fire Revolver Smiths Vintage Highly Decorative Pin Fire Revolver £185 $238.48   €220.46 Highly Decorative Pin Fire Revolver Smiths Vintage
1845 Pattern British Infantry Officers Sword  1845 Pattern British Infantry Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Large Pin Fire Revolver £225 $290.05   €268.13 Large Pin Fire Revolver Smiths Vintage 19th Century French Gladius Sidearm By Talabot  19th Century French Gladius Sidearm By TalabotChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Continental Light Cavalry Sword  Victorian Continental Light Cavalry SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
French Gras Bayonet £80 $103.13   €95.34 French Gras Bayonet Smiths Vintage Victorian Cinque Ports Royal Artillery Sword  Victorian Cinque Ports Royal Artillery SwordChristopher Walker Antiques English Socket Bayonet£88 $113.44   €104.87 English Socket BayonetSaltwood Antiques Mid Victorian Belgian Infantry Officers  Sword  Mid Victorian Belgian Infantry Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
Mid 19th Century Brass Mounted Khyber Knife  Mid 19th Century Brass Mounted Khyber KnifeChristopher Walker Antiques English 1860 Pattern Enfield Bayonet  English 1860 Pattern Enfield BayonetChristopher Walker Antiques French 1877 Gras Bayonet  French 1877 Gras BayonetChristopher Walker Antiques Pair Of Cased Percussion Pistols £1650 $2127.02   €1966.31 Pair Of Cased Percussion Pistols Smiths Vintage
1821 Pattern Light Cavalry Officers Sword  1821 Pattern Light Cavalry Officer's SwordBoyar Armoury William IV P1822 Named Officers Sword, 97th Reg£330 $425.4   €393.26 William IV P1822 Named Officer's Sword, 97th RegBoyar Armoury Percussion Boxlock Pistol£180 $232.04   €214.51 Percussion Boxlock PistolSaltwood Antiques Russian 1827 Sidearm Sawback Sword£280 $360.95   €333.68 Russian 1827 Sidearm Sawback SwordSaltwood Antiques