19th Century Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 1349 For Sale and Sold    ( 327 for sale  1022 sold )  
Kendo Armour £1500 $1933.65   €1787.55 Kendo Armour Sovereign Antiques Bowie Knife & Scabbard £245 $315.83   €291.97 Bowie Knife & Scabbard Sovereign Antiques Victorian Police Truncheon£195 $251.37   €232.38 Victorian Police TruncheonVladds Interiors Victorian Era Maori Tewhatewha £895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Victorian Era Maori Tewhatewha Vladds Interiors
Japanese Meiji Era Bronze Tsuba, Inshu-Suruga£375 $483.41   €446.89 Japanese Meiji Era Bronze Tsuba, Inshu-SurugaForte Antiques York Dutch Klewang Sword£475 $612.32   €566.06 Dutch Klewang SwordCAG Militaria Kaskara Sudanese Sword With Scabbard £495 $638.1   €589.89 Kaskara Sudanese Sword With Scabbard CAG Militaria British Victorian Naval Sword No Scabbard £195 $251.37   €232.38 British Victorian Naval Sword No Scabbard CAG Militaria
Unusual Small Sword £225 $290.05   €268.13 Unusual Small Sword CAG Militaria Belawa Horn Hilted Shortsword £185 $238.48   €220.46 Belawa Horn Hilted Shortsword CAG Militaria Antique Gun Slip Case, English, Leather, Rifle Bag£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Antique Gun Slip Case, English, Leather, Rifle BagLondon Fine Antiques Percussion Cap Officers Pistol By E. Bond£1000 $1289.1   €1191.7 Percussion Cap Officer's Pistol By E. BondCheltenham House Antiques
Enfield Pattern Rifle Musket£1750 $2255.93   €2085.48 Enfield Pattern Rifle MusketCheltenham House Antiques Napoleonic Flintlock Newland Style Musket£1995 $2571.75   €2377.44 Napoleonic Flintlock Newland Style MusketCheltenham House Antiques Enfield 1859 Cutlass Bayonet £600 $773.46   €715.02 Enfield 1859 Cutlass Bayonet Smiths Vintage Early 19th Century Indian Koft Gari Dhal Shield£850 $1095.74   €1012.95 Early 19th Century Indian Koft Gari Dhal ShieldChristopher Walker Antiques
Antique Articulated Suit Of Armour£3250 $4189.58   €3873.03 Antique Articulated Suit Of ArmourChristopher Walker Antiques 1895 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword By Firmin £265 $341.61   €315.8 1895 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword By Firmin Christopher Walker Antiques Small Parrying Shield £185 $238.48   €220.46 Small Parrying Shield Smiths Vintage Late Victorian Bone Nepalese Hilted Kukri £155 $199.81   €184.71 Late Victorian Bone Nepalese Hilted Kukri Christopher Walker Antiques
Two Late Victorian Hardwood Hilted Nepalese Kukris£125 $161.14   €148.96 Two Late Victorian Hardwood Hilted Nepalese KukrisChristopher Walker Antiques Good Early Khyber Knife£335 $431.85   €399.22 Good Early Khyber KnifeSmiths Vintage French 1830 Mounted Artillery Sword£425 $547.87   €506.47 French 1830 Mounted Artillery SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Colt Percussion Revolver Boxed£2750 $3545.03   €3277.18 Colt Percussion Revolver BoxedSovereign Antiques
Pocket Pistol 1860£225 $290.05   €268.13 Pocket Pistol 1860Sovereign Antiques Enfield Rifle 2 Band 1853£795 $1024.83   €947.4 Enfield Rifle 2 Band 1853Sovereign Antiques Sneider 3 Band Enfield Rifle£1850 $2384.84   €2204.65 Sneider 3 Band Enfield RifleSovereign Antiques 3 Band Enfield Rifle£1850 $2384.84   €2204.65 3 Band Enfield RifleSovereign Antiques