Mid 19th Century Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 719 For Sale and Sold    ( 185 for sale  534 sold )  
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19th Century Sumatran Kris  19th Century Sumatran KrisChristopher Walker Antiques Royal Wiltshire Yeomany Cavalry 1853 Sword£140 $180.47   €166.84 Royal Wiltshire Yeomany Cavalry 1853 SwordSaltwood Antiques Victorian Rifle Officers Sword By Wood  Victorian Rifle Officers Sword By WoodChristopher Walker Antiques Zulu Axe£110 $141.8   €131.09 Zulu AxeSmiths Vintage
A Victorian Model Of A Battery Gun£375 $483.41   €446.89 A Victorian Model Of A Battery GunSmiths Vintage 54 Bore Bentley Percussion Revolver £950 $1224.65   €1132.12 54 Bore Bentley Percussion Revolver Smiths Vintage 1853 Pattern Lancers Troopers Sword In Scabbard  1853 Pattern Lancers Troopers Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques Mid 19th Century Indian Koft Gari Jambiya  Mid 19th Century Indian Koft Gari JambiyaChristopher Walker Antiques
1821 Pat. British Cavalry Troopers Sword By Gunby  1821 Pat. British Cavalry Troopers Sword By GunbyChristopher Walker Antiques 1845 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword By Venn  1845 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword By VennChristopher Walker Antiques French 1830 Pattern Gladius£88 $113.44   €104.87 French 1830 Pattern GladiusSaltwood Antiques Victorian Brass Hilted Infantry Officers Sword   Victorian Brass Hilted Infantry Officers Sword Christopher Walker Antiques
Mid 19th Century Continental Officers Dress Sword  Mid 19th Century Continental Officer's Dress SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Military Flintlock Cavalry Pistol £550 $709.01   €655.44 Military Flintlock Cavalry Pistol Smiths Vintage Percussion Pistol By Parker London £280 $360.95   €333.68 Percussion Pistol By Parker London Smiths Vintage Small 19th Century Indian Ankus  Small 19th Century Indian AnkusChristopher Walker Antiques
19th Century Steel Bulova Axe  19th Century Steel Bulova AxeChristopher Walker Antiques British P1827 Pipeback & Quill Point Navy Sword  British P1827 Pipeback & Quill Point Navy SwordBoyar Armoury Pair Of Antique French Duelling Epee£220 $283.6   €262.17 Pair Of Antique French Duelling EpeeSmiths Vintage French Officers 1845/55 Pattern Sword£160 $206.26   €190.67 French Officers 1845/55 Pattern SwordSaltwood Antiques
1822 Pattern French Light Cavalry Sword£260 $335.17   €309.84 1822 Pattern French Light Cavalry SwordSaltwood Antiques 19th Century French Light Cavalry Sabre  19th Century French Light Cavalry SabreChristopher Walker Antiques Collection Of Pistols For Spares Or Repair£320 $412.51   €381.34 Collection Of Pistols For Spares Or RepairSaltwood Antiques 1821 Pattern Light Cavalry Sword  1821 Pattern Light Cavalry SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
Royal Engineers 1857 Presentation Wilkinson Sword £795 $1024.83   €947.4 Royal Engineers 1857 Presentation Wilkinson Sword CAG Militaria Victorian Gothic Infantry Sword In Scabbard  Victorian Gothic Infantry Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques 1821 Pattern Cavalry Officers Sword In Scabbard  1821 Pattern Cavalry Officers Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques High Ranking French Infantry Presentation Sword   High Ranking French Infantry Presentation Sword Christopher Walker Antiques
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