Mid 19th Century Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 719 For Sale and Sold    ( 185 for sale  534 sold )  
Victorian River Police Sword   Victorian River Police Sword Christopher Walker Antiques Model 1817/1869 Infantry Hanger£125 $161.14   €148.96 Model 1817/1869 Infantry HangerMichaels Militaria 1850 Pattern River Police Sword With Scabbard  1850 Pattern River Police Sword With ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques Mid Victorian Indian Khula Khud Helmet.  Mid Victorian Indian Khula Khud Helmet.Christopher Walker Antiques
Percussion Pistol With Belt Hook £285 $367.39   €339.63 Percussion Pistol With Belt Hook Smiths Vintage Military Percussion Pistol £400 $515.64   €476.68 Military Percussion Pistol Smiths Vintage 19th Century Brass Hilted Spanish Infantry Sword  19th Century Brass Hilted Spanish Infantry SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Percussion Pistol£160 $206.26   €190.67 Percussion PistolSaltwood Antiques
Police Or Customs Sword £250 $322.28   €297.93 Police Or Customs Sword Smiths Vintage Enfield Sword Bayonet 1856/58£125 $161.14   €148.96 Enfield Sword Bayonet 1856/58Smiths Vintage Enfield Sword Bayonet £240 $309.38   €286.01 Enfield Sword Bayonet Smiths Vintage French Gladius Sword£170 $219.15   €202.59 French Gladius SwordSaltwood Antiques
William IV Pipe Back Blade Infantry Officers Sword  William IV Pipe Back Blade Infantry Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Worcester Yeomanry Sword In Scabbard  Victorian Worcester Yeomanry Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Cut Steel Court Sword  Victorian Cut Steel Court SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Artillery Officers Sword In Scabbard   Victorian Artillery Officers Sword In Scabbard Christopher Walker Antiques
19th Century Indian Brass And Steel Arm Shield  19th Century Indian Brass And Steel Arm ShieldChristopher Walker Antiques 19th Century Indian Bullova Axe  19th Century Indian Bullova AxeChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Police Or Customs Sword£165 $212.7   €196.63 Victorian Police Or Customs SwordSmiths Vintage Victorian Zulu Club £200 $257.82   €238.34 Victorian Zulu Club Smiths Vintage
Late 18 Century  Swivel Gun Sarawak £1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 Late 18 Century Swivel Gun Sarawak Smiths Vintage French Brass Hilted Briquet Sword£120 $154.69   €143 French Brass Hilted Briquet SwordSaltwood Antiques Long Barrelled Percussion Pistol£265 $341.61   €315.8 Long Barrelled Percussion PistolCAG Militaria Double Barrel Flintlock Pistol In Need Of Tlc£295 $380.28   €351.55 Double Barrel Flintlock Pistol In Need Of TlcCAG Militaria
British 1856 Pattern Bayonet£195 $251.37   €232.38 British 1856 Pattern BayonetMichaels Militaria Imperial German Bayonet£395 $509.19   €470.72 Imperial German BayonetMichaels Militaria Swedish Model 1840 Cavalry Sabre   Swedish Model 1840 Cavalry Sabre Christopher Walker Antiques Lancaster Bayonet£425 $547.87   €506.47 Lancaster BayonetMichaels Militaria