Mid 19th Century Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 719 For Sale and Sold    ( 185 for sale  534 sold )  
Billy Knife Sheffield Blade £75 $96.78   €89.3 Billy Knife Sheffield Blade CAG Militaria Johnson Bowie Knife 1845£110 $141.94   €130.97 Johnson Bowie Knife 1845CAG Militaria H Osman&co American Bowie 1850s£250 $322.6   €297.65 H Osman&co American Bowie 1850sCAG Militaria Mid 19th Century Piso Podang  Mid 19th Century Piso PodangChristopher Walker Antiques
Percussion Duelling Pistol£525 $677.46   €625.07 Percussion Duelling PistolMichaels Militaria Victorian Rifle Officers Sword In Scabbard   Victorian Rifle Officers Sword In Scabbard Christopher Walker Antiques Victorian Warrant Officers Naval Sword  Victorian Warrant Officers Naval SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Mould For Beaumont Adams£185 $238.72   €220.26 Mould For Beaumont AdamsSmiths Vintage
19th Century German Briquet Sidearm By WK&C  19th Century German Briquet Sidearm By WK&CChristopher Walker Antiques Mid 19th Century Belgian Infantry Officers Sword   Mid 19th Century Belgian Infantry Officers Sword Christopher Walker Antiques Victorian Dutch Infantry Officers Sword In Scabbard  Victorian Dutch Infantry Officers Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques 19th Century Continental Cavalry Sword In Scabbard  19th Century Continental Cavalry Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques
19th Century Chinese Hudiedao River Pirates Dagger  19th Century Chinese Hudiedao River Pirates DaggerChristopher Walker Antiques British Generals Mameluke By Hawkes Of London£695 $896.83   €827.47 British Generals Mameluke By Hawkes Of LondonCAG Militaria English 19th Century Court Sword In Scabbard  English 19th Century Court Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques 19th Century Prussian Side Arm  19th Century Prussian Side ArmChristopher Walker Antiques
Mid 19th Century Japanese Wakizashi Sword   Mid 19th Century Japanese Wakizashi Sword Christopher Walker Antiques 1853 Pattern British Cavalry Troopers Sword  1853 Pattern British Cavalry Troopers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Early Cutlass Bayonet With Scabbard£650 $838.76   €773.89 Early Cutlass Bayonet With ScabbardCAG Militaria Double Barrel Percussion Pistol£425.00 $548.42   €506.01 Double Barrel Percussion PistolClassic Antiques
Early 19th Century Dutch Officers Sword  Early 19th Century Dutch Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques French 1845 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword   French 1845 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword Christopher Walker Antiques Large Antique Spanish NAVAJA£165 $212.92   €196.45 Large Antique Spanish NAVAJASmiths Vintage 19th Century Sudanese Kaskara Sword   19th Century Sudanese Kaskara Sword Christopher Walker Antiques
Police Sidearm Space Filler / Wall Hanger £115 $148.4   €136.92 Police Sidearm Space Filler / Wall Hanger CAG Militaria 19th Century Prussian Side Arm  19th Century Prussian Side ArmChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Italian Breguet Sidearm   Victorian Italian Breguet Sidearm Christopher Walker Antiques British Cutlass Bayonet £295 $380.67   €351.23 British Cutlass Bayonet CAG Militaria