18th Century Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 336 For Sale and Sold    ( 98 for sale  238 sold )  
Blunderbuss By J. Rigby, Dublin£1990.00 $2565.31   €2371.48 Blunderbuss By J. Rigby, DublinLemon Tree Antiques British Naval Cutlass £595 $767.01   €709.06 British Naval Cutlass CAG Militaria Smith Pocket Flintlock Pistol£495 $638.1   €589.89 Smith Pocket Flintlock PistolCAG Militaria Sea Service Impressive Flintlock Pistol£750 $966.83   €893.78 Sea Service Impressive Flintlock PistolCAG Militaria
Fowler , Dublin Flintlock Pistol £285 $367.39   €339.63 Fowler , Dublin Flintlock Pistol CAG Militaria Flintlock Nock , London Pocket Pistol£425 $547.87   €506.47 Flintlock Nock , London Pocket PistolCAG Militaria Mid 18th Century English Made, Scottish Backsword  Mid 18th Century English Made, Scottish BackswordChristopher Walker Antiques 1798 Pattern Brass Hilted Scottish Broadsword  1798 Pattern Brass Hilted Scottish BroadswordChristopher Walker Antiques
Country House Model Of 18thC Field Canon£295.00 $380.28   €351.55 Country House Model Of 18thC Field CanonTerrier Antiques At Hebden Bridge 25 Bore Flintlock Brass Barrelled Holster Pistol£1350 $1740.29   €1608.8 25 Bore Flintlock Brass Barrelled Holster PistolDeco Interiors 18th Century German Halberd Head  18th Century German Halberd HeadChristopher Walker Antiques Pr Of Early 18th Century Flintlock Pistols£1740.00 $2243.03   €2073.56 Pr Of Early 18th Century Flintlock PistolsLemon Tree Antiques
18thc Hunting Tulwar , Later Chiselled  18thc Hunting Tulwar , Later ChiselledBay Hall Antiques Pair Of English Flintlock Pistols By Welch£3700 $4769.67   €4409.29 Pair Of English Flintlock Pistols By WelchSaltwood Antiques Pair Queen Anne Flintlock Duelling Pistols   Pair Queen Anne Flintlock Duelling Pistols Bay Hall Antiques 18thc Continental Hunting Sword Antler Hilt  18thc Continental Hunting Sword Antler HiltBay Hall Antiques
18thc Plug Bayonet Silver Mounts Ebony Handle  18thc Plug Bayonet Silver Mounts Ebony HandleBay Hall Antiques Pair 18thc Flintlock Dueling Pistols, Continental  Pair 18thc Flintlock Dueling Pistols, ContinentalBay Hall Antiques Brass Hilted Indian Tulwar£99 $127.62   €117.98 Brass Hilted Indian TulwarMichaels Militaria 18th Century Indian Firangi Horsemans Sword  18th Century Indian Firangi Horseman's SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
Antique Indian Katar Dagger  Antique Indian Katar DaggerChristopher Walker Antiques British 1803 Infantry Officers Sword£1750 $2255.93   €2085.48 British 1803 Infantry Officers SwordCAG Militaria Excavated Weapon.£160 $206.26   €190.67 Excavated Weapon.Michaels Militaria Flintlock Blunderbuss£1900 $2449.29   €2264.23 Flintlock BlunderbussMichaels Militaria
English Georgian Customs Hanger.£225 $290.05   €268.13 English Georgian Customs Hanger.Michaels Militaria Indian Army Flintlock Blunderbuss£625 $805.69   €744.81 Indian Army Flintlock BlunderbussMichaels Militaria Late 18 Century Tulwa £165 $212.7   €196.63 Late 18 Century Tulwa Smiths Vintage Indian Fighting Axe£245 $315.83   €291.97 Indian Fighting AxeSmiths Vintage