18th Century Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 336 For Sale and Sold    ( 98 for sale  238 sold )  
Stag Handle Saw Back Hunting Sword£575 $741.23   €685.23 Stag Handle Saw Back Hunting SwordSmiths Vintage Pair Of Flintlock Pocket Pistols Signed Bass London£1400.00 $1804.74   €1668.38 Pair Of Flintlock Pocket Pistols Signed Bass LondonLemon Tree Antiques Pair Of 80-Bore Flintlock Pocket Pistols By Archer£1200.00 $1546.92   €1430.04 Pair Of 80-Bore Flintlock Pocket Pistols By ArcherLemon Tree Antiques 1796 Pattern Light Cavalry Sword In Scabbard  1796 Pattern Light Cavalry Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques
Pair French Flintlock Pistols £950 $1224.65   €1132.12 Pair French Flintlock Pistols CAG Militaria Georgian Gamblers Dagger£395 $509.19   €470.72 Georgian Gamblers DaggerCAG Militaria Flintlock Blunderbuss By Barnett London£2400.00 $3093.84   €2860.08 Flintlock Blunderbuss By Barnett LondonLemon Tree Antiques Infantry Officers Spadroon   Infantry Officers Spadroon Smiths Vintage
Late 18ct German Hunting Dagger £295 $380.28   €351.55 Late 18ct German Hunting Dagger Smiths Vintage Sudanese Shield Of Historical Importance   Sudanese Shield Of Historical Importance Smiths Vintage  Armour Bazu Band £395.00 $509.19   €470.72 Armour Bazu Band Hazlehurst Antiques 1796 Cavalry Sword With Older Blade £250 $322.28   €297.93 1796 Cavalry Sword With Older Blade CAG Militaria
18th Century Brass Hilted Small Sword  18th Century Brass Hilted Small SwordChristopher Walker Antiques 1796 British Sergeants Sword £395 $509.19   €470.72 1796 British Sergeants Sword CAG Militaria British 1750s Hanger £1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 British 1750s Hanger CAG Militaria An 18th Century Ottoman Flintlock Pistol.£300 $386.73   €357.51 An 18th Century Ottoman Flintlock Pistol.Youngs Antiques
An 18th Century Ottoman Flintlock Pistol.£480 $618.77   €572.02 An 18th Century Ottoman Flintlock Pistol.Youngs Antiques Georgian Flintlock Military Blunderbuss£2850.00 $3673.94   €3396.35 Georgian Flintlock Military BlunderbussLemon Tree Antiques Tower Stamped Flintlock Pistol £1350 $1740.29   €1608.8 Tower Stamped Flintlock Pistol CAG Militaria Antique Indian Moustache Axe£235 $302.94   €280.05 Antique Indian Moustache AxeSmiths Vintage
George III Walnut Stonebow  George III Walnut StonebowChristopher Walker Antiques Cased Pair Of Flintlock Coaching Pistols£2200 $2836.02   €2621.74 Cased Pair Of Flintlock Coaching PistolsLemon Tree Antiques Pair Of 18th Century Flintlock Pistols£1400.00 $1804.74   €1668.38 Pair Of 18th Century Flintlock PistolsLemon Tree Antiques East India Flintlock Blunderbuss £685 $883.03   €816.31 East India Flintlock Blunderbuss Smiths Vintage
Flintlock Pistol By H Nock Of London £895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Flintlock Pistol By H Nock Of London Sovereign Antiques Japanese Kyu-Gunto£2400 $3093.84   €2860.08 Japanese Kyu-GuntoMichaels Militaria Flintlock Pistol£295 $380.28   €351.55 Flintlock PistolMichaels Militaria French Military Sword With 18th Century Blade£375 $483.41   €446.89 French Military Sword With 18th Century BladeCAG Militaria