18th Century Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 336 For Sale and Sold    ( 98 for sale  238 sold )  
Dragoons Officers Private Purchase Sword£1875 $2417.06   €2234.44 Dragoons Officers Private Purchase SwordCAG Militaria Moorish Flintlock £640 $825.02   €762.69 Moorish Flintlock Smiths Vintage A Selection Of Six 17th - 18thC Spears£1200 $1546.92   €1430.04 A Selection Of Six 17th - 18thC SpearsYoungs Antiques Late 18th C Georgian Flintlock Pistol£1225 $1579.15   €1459.83 Late 18th C Georgian Flintlock PistolMiddletons Antiques
John Blanch Percussion Pistol£395 $509.19   €470.72 John Blanch Percussion PistolTerrier Antiques Blunderbuss By Nock Of London (1741-1804£2950.00 $3802.85   €3515.52 Blunderbuss By Nock Of London (1741-1804Lemon Tree Antiques Fine English 18th Century Blunderbuss£1400.00 $1804.74   €1668.38 Fine English 18th Century BlunderbussLemon Tree Antiques Early 19ct Halbert£125 $161.14   €148.96 Early 19ct HalbertSmiths Vintage
18thc Shamshir, Silver Repousse Work To Scabbard  18thc Shamshir, Silver Repousse Work To ScabbardBay Hall Antiques 18thc Indo Persian Axe, Islamic Script  18thc Indo Persian Axe, Islamic ScriptBay Hall Antiques 18thc Pair Of Porch Cannons  18thc Pair Of Porch CannonsBay Hall Antiques 18thc / 19thc Thick Leather Indian Dhal  18thc / 19thc Thick Leather Indian DhalBay Hall Antiques
Late 18ct French Brass Hilted Sidearm £140 $180.47   €166.84 Late 18ct French Brass Hilted Sidearm Smiths Vintage An English Blunderbuss£1850.00 $2384.84   €2204.65 An English BlunderbussLemon Tree Antiques 18th Century Flintlock Blunderbuss With Bayonet£2300.00 $2964.93   €2740.91 18th Century Flintlock Blunderbuss With BayonetLemon Tree Antiques Pair Of 18th Century Flintlock Pistols£950.00 $1224.65   €1132.12 Pair Of 18th Century Flintlock PistolsLemon Tree Antiques
Billhook Halberd Head£150 $193.37   €178.76 Billhook Halberd HeadSmiths Vintage All Steel Indian Tulwar£180 $232.04   €214.51 All Steel Indian TulwarSmiths Vintage George III Police Tipstaff / Truncheon C.1790  George III Police Tipstaff / Truncheon C.1790Puckerings Antiques French Flintlock Pistol£795 $1024.83   €947.4 French Flintlock PistolQuillon Antiques
Pair Of Large 18thc Indo Persian Spear Heads  Pair Of Large 18thc Indo Persian Spear HeadsBay Hall Antiques Interesting 18thc / 19thc Tulwar Gold Koftgari  Interesting 18thc / 19thc Tulwar Gold KoftgariBay Hall Antiques Rare 18thc Nayar, Nair, Temple Sword  Rare 18thc Nayar, Nair, Temple SwordBay Hall Antiques Late 18thc English Cavalry Sabre  Late 18thc English Cavalry SabreBay Hall Antiques
18thc Infantry Hangar, Huntingdon Regiment  18thc Infantry Hangar, Huntingdon RegimentBay Hall Antiques 1751 Infantry Hangar By Samuel Harvey  1751 Infantry Hangar By Samuel HarveyBay Hall Antiques 1751 Infantry Hangar By Samuel Harvey  1751 Infantry Hangar By Samuel HarveyBay Hall Antiques Antique 18th Century Flintlock Blunderbuss£750 $966.83   €893.78 Antique 18th Century Flintlock BlunderbussCullen Antiques Centre