
Found 931 For Sale and Sold    ( 150 for sale  781 sold )  
19th Century Fruitwood Tilt Top Table  19th Century Fruitwood Tilt Top TableHobson May Collection Beautiful Hand Carved Jam Spoon Treen  Beautiful Hand Carved Jam Spoon TreenWelsh Vernacular Antiques Vintage Hanging Shelves / Wall Cupboard  Vintage Hanging Shelves / Wall CupboardSunnyside Antiques Rare 18thC Welsh Dolphin Cawl Spoon Treen   Rare 18thC Welsh Dolphin Cawl Spoon Treen Welsh Vernacular Antiques
Rare 19thC Welsh Dolphin Cawl Spoon Treen   Rare 19thC Welsh Dolphin Cawl Spoon Treen Welsh Vernacular Antiques Antique Lovespoon Treen Love Spoon C1860  Antique Lovespoon Treen Love Spoon C1860Welsh Vernacular Antiques French Farmhouse Table£850 $1095.74   €1012.95 French Farmhouse TableArundel Eccentrics A Large 19th Century Treen Platter.£550 $709.01   €655.44 A Large 19th Century Treen Platter.Youngs Antiques
Antique Wedding Love Spoon With Chain  Antique Wedding Love Spoon With ChainWelsh Vernacular Antiques French Glazed Kitchen Cupboard  French Glazed Kitchen CupboardPaul Hardy Antiques Antique Welsh Fruitwood Lovespoon Treen Love Spoon  Antique Welsh Fruitwood Lovespoon Treen Love SpoonWelsh Vernacular Antiques 19th Century Fruitwood Turned Barrel. Treenware.  19th Century Fruitwood Turned Barrel. Treenware.Middletons Antiques
A Beautiful Treen Egg Cruet  A Beautiful Treen Egg CruetAnthony House Antiques Pair Of French Fruitwood Open Bedside Cabinets   Pair Of French Fruitwood Open Bedside Cabinets Elmgarden French 19th C Farmhouse Kitchen Table£1495 $1927.2   €1781.59 French 19th C Farmhouse Kitchen TableJMR Antiques Ltd. Fruitwood Wall Shelves£195 $251.37   €232.38 Fruitwood Wall ShelvesWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Large Mahogany Finish Open Bookcase£525 $676.78   €625.64 Large Mahogany Finish Open BookcaseWorboys Antiques And Clocks Large 18th Century French Farmhouse Dining Table £2500 $3222.75   €2979.25 Large 18th Century French Farmhouse Dining Table Sussex Antiques And Interiors Solid Fruitwood Shelved Armoire & Hanging Wardrobe  Solid Fruitwood Shelved Armoire & Hanging WardrobeElmgarden Antique French Farmhouse Table   Antique French Farmhouse Table Smiths Vintage
Set Of Eight Fruitwood Ladder Back Dining Chairs  Set Of Eight Fruitwood Ladder Back Dining ChairsShackladys Antiques Table Very Rare George III Apple Wood C1780£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Table Very Rare George III Apple Wood C1780Cloverleaf Home Interiors Pair Of French Fruit Wood Bedside Cabinets   Pair Of French Fruit Wood Bedside Cabinets Elmgarden Eighteenth Century Fruit Wood Candle Box  Eighteenth Century Fruit Wood Candle BoxAnthony House Antiques
Cupboard Cabinet Arts And Crafts Penwork Fruitwood£295 $380.28   €351.55 Cupboard Cabinet Arts And Crafts Penwork FruitwoodCloverleaf Home Interiors 19th Century Wooden Painted Truncheon V686  19th Century Wooden Painted Truncheon V686Prichard Antiques French Settle£350 $451.19   €417.1 French SettleYew Tree Antiques Warehouse 20th Century Fruitwood Table  20th Century Fruitwood TableElmgarden