Faux Bamboo

Found 198 For Sale and Sold    ( 28 for sale  170 sold )  
Antique French Faux Bamboo Mirror  Antique French Faux Bamboo MirrorBarnhill Trading Co. Regency Walnut Faux Bamboo Library Armchair£295 $372.32   €355.62 Regency Walnut Faux Bamboo Library ArmchairRams Head Antiques Faux Bamboo Library Ladder£600.00 $757.26   €723.3 Faux Bamboo Library LadderPuckhaber Decorative Antiques 19th Century Faux Bamboo Antique Cupboard.  19th Century Faux Bamboo Antique Cupboard.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
A French Faux Bamboo Stick And Umbrella Stand  A French Faux Bamboo Stick And Umbrella StandElmgarden 19th Century Bamboo Screen£150 $189.32   €180.83 19th Century Bamboo ScreenLeek Antiques And Interiors Pair Of Early 19th Century Simulated Bamboo Armchairs  Pair Of Early 19th Century Simulated Bamboo ArmchairsLocksley Antiques Antique Library Ladder£420.00 $530.08   €506.31 Antique Library LadderPuckhaber Decorative Antiques
Regency Faux Bamboo, Painted, Caned Chairs£340 $429.11   €409.87 Regency Faux Bamboo, Painted, Caned ChairsRod Naylor Antiques Swaine & Adeney Cane£185.00 $233.49   €223.02 Swaine & Adeney CaneWoodys Antiques Faux Bamboo Stick Stand£155 $195.63   €186.85 Faux Bamboo Stick StandCourtyard Antiques Old Faux Bamboo Folding French Coat Hooks / Rack £45.00 $56.79   €54.25 Old Faux Bamboo Folding French Coat Hooks / Rack Coast To Country
Regency Antique Simulated Bamboo Sofa  Regency Antique Simulated Bamboo SofaMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Pair Of Elegant Antique Decorated Side Tables.  Pair Of Elegant Antique Decorated Side Tables.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Decorated Pine Washstand  Decorated Pine WashstandFolk And Country Antiques 19th C Bamboo Wall Mirror£185.000 $233.49   €223.02 19th C Bamboo Wall MirrorWilliam James Antiques And Interiors
Regency Antique Simulated Bamboo Bookcase  Regency Antique Simulated Bamboo BookcaseMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Pair Of Regency Antique Painted Pine Side Chairs.  Pair Of Regency Antique Painted Pine Side Chairs.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Faux Bamboo Armoire  Faux Bamboo ArmoireM&G Basset Pine And Decorative Items Regency Antique Childs Correction Chair.  Regency Antique Childs Correction Chair.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
French Antique Faux Bamboo Cupboard  French Antique Faux Bamboo CupboardMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd  Antique Faux Bamboo Bench  Antique Faux Bamboo BenchBarnhill Trading Co. Faux Bamboo Bench  Faux Bamboo BenchBarnhill Trading Co. Bedside Cupboard  Bedside CupboardBarnhill Trading Co.
Faux Bamboo Chest Drawers  Faux Bamboo Chest DrawersM&G Basset Pine And Decorative Items Wash Stand  Wash StandBarnhill Trading Co. Coffee Table  Coffee TableBarnhill Trading Co. Coffee Table  Coffee TableBarnhill Trading Co.