
Found 6005 For Sale and Sold    ( 1764 for sale  4241 sold )  
Decorative 19th C French Gilt Bronze Mantle Clock£750.00 $947.1   €909.38 Decorative 19th C French Gilt Bronze Mantle ClockImperial Antiques 1900 Table Lamp In Bronze£260 $328.33   €315.25 1900 Table Lamp In BronzeAntiques Affair 19th Century French Desk Lamp In Bronze  19th Century French Desk Lamp In BronzeAntiques Affair Alabaster And Ormolu 3 Piece Garniture Clock Set£1295 $1635.33   €1570.19 Alabaster And Ormolu 3 Piece Garniture Clock SetPrestige Clocks Ltd
Porcelain And Bronze Mantel Clock Garniture Set£995.00 $1256.49   €1206.44 Porcelain And Bronze Mantel Clock Garniture SetPrestige Clocks Ltd  French Ormolu And Sevres Porcelain Mantel Clock£1495 $1887.89   €1812.69 French Ormolu And Sevres Porcelain Mantel ClockPrestige Clocks Ltd Antique Champleve Enamel Mantel Clock£1995 $2519.29   €2418.94 Antique Champleve Enamel Mantel ClockPrestige Clocks Ltd 1920 French Console Or Desk Lamp In Bronze£320 $404.1   €388 1920 French Console Or Desk Lamp In BronzeAntiques Affair
1920 Lampe Bouillotte In Bronze£160 $202.05   €194 1920 Lampe Bouillotte In BronzeAntiques Affair Arts & Crafts Table Lamp In Bronze£295 $372.53   €357.69 Arts & Crafts Table Lamp In BronzeAntiques Affair Collection Of 19 Cold Painted Bronze Animals,£1250 $1578.5   €1515.63 Collection Of 19 Cold Painted Bronze Animals,Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Emmanuel Villanis -  Frinette£3950 $4988.06   €4789.38 Emmanuel Villanis - FrinetteAylmer Fine Art
Pair Napoleon III Table Chandeliers Bronze  Pair Napoleon III Table Chandeliers BronzeAntiques Affair Chinese Bronze Lion Dog.£500 $631.4   €606.25 Chinese Bronze Lion Dog.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Pair Napoleon III Candlesticks Converted  Pair Napoleon III Candlesticks ConvertedAntiques Affair Neo Classic Table Lamp In Bronze  Neo Classic Table Lamp In BronzeAntiques Affair
Pair Art Deco Book Ends Bronze Panthers On Marble£695 $877.65   €842.69 Pair Art Deco Book Ends Bronze Panthers On MarbleAntiques Affair Art Deco Bronze Letter Openers - Max Le Verrier£65 $82.08   €78.81 Art Deco Bronze Letter Openers - Max Le VerrierGifford Antiques Pair William IV Table Lamps Bronze  Pair William IV Table Lamps BronzeAntiques Affair Pair Of 2 Lamp Heavy Bronze Gothic Wall Lights£495 $625.09   €600.19 Pair Of 2 Lamp Heavy Bronze Gothic Wall LightsPrior And Willis Antiques
Victorian Twin Desk Lamp  Victorian Twin Desk LampAntiques Affair Bronze And Gilt Brass Standard Lamp£1750 $2209.9   €2121.88 Bronze And Gilt Brass Standard LampGeorgian Antiques Vincenti Bronze Cherub Mount Mantel Clock£1450 $1831.06   €1758.13 Vincenti Bronze Cherub Mount Mantel ClockPrestige Clocks Ltd Mathurin Moreau - The Berry Gatherer£1950 $2462.46   €2364.38 Mathurin Moreau - The Berry GathererAylmer Fine Art
Hans Keck (1900-1925) - Bronze- Dutch Girl£495 $625.09   €600.19 Hans Keck (1900-1925) - Bronze- Dutch GirlAylmer Fine Art Russian Bronze Duck On A Lily Pond Circa 1900s£425 $536.69   €515.31 Russian Bronze Duck On A Lily Pond Circa 1900sAylmer Fine Art Franz Xavier Bergman - Cold Painted Bronze Hare£450 $568.26   €545.63 Franz Xavier Bergman - Cold Painted Bronze HareAylmer Fine Art French Cold Painted Bronze Budgerigar£395 $498.81   €478.94 French Cold Painted Bronze BudgerigarAylmer Fine Art