Pre 16th Century Ancient Artifacts

Found 322 For Sale and Sold    ( 99 for sale  223 sold )  
Tang Dynasty Pottery Offerants Circa 7th Century£360 $454.61   €436.5 Tang Dynasty Pottery Offerants Circa 7th CenturyTimesAncient Roman Glass Perfume Bottle£175 $220.99   €212.19 Roman Glass Perfume BottleTimesAncient Medieval 14th Century Circular Bronze Seal Matrix£90 $113.65   €109.13 Medieval 14th Century Circular Bronze Seal MatrixTimesAncient Rare Medieval Papal Bulla Of Pope Alexander IV (12£365 $460.92   €442.56 Rare Medieval Papal Bulla Of Pope Alexander IV (12TimesAncient
Egyptian Bronze Osiris Statuette£525 $662.97   €636.56 Egyptian Bronze Osiris StatuetteTimesAncient Rare Medieval Pewter Miniature Axe Head £185 $233.62   €224.31 Rare Medieval Pewter Miniature Axe Head TimesAncient Early Bronze Age Holy Land Pottery Amphora£295 $372.53   €357.69 Early Bronze Age Holy Land Pottery AmphoraTimesAncient Medieval 14th Century Chessman Type Seal Matrix£185 $233.62   €224.31 Medieval 14th Century Chessman Type Seal MatrixTimesAncient
Rare Medieval Papal Bulla Urban IV 1261-1264 AD.£325 $410.41   €394.06 Rare Medieval Papal Bulla Urban IV 1261-1264 AD.TimesAncient Large Egyptian Faience Amulet Of Nephthys£1250 $1578.5   €1515.63 Large Egyptian Faience Amulet Of NephthysTimesAncient Ancient Egyptian Amulet Of Tawaret (Thoeris)£325 $410.41   €394.06 Ancient Egyptian Amulet Of Tawaret (Thoeris)TimesAncient Indus Valley Bronze-age Pottery Chalice£185 $233.62   €224.31 Indus Valley Bronze-age Pottery ChaliceTimesAncient
Indus Valley Bronze-age Terracotta Cup£65 $82.08   €78.81 Indus Valley Bronze-age Terracotta CupTimesAncient British Viking Brooch With Borre Knotwork Design£225 $284.13   €272.81 British Viking Brooch With Borre Knotwork DesignTimesAncient Medieval Silver Friendship Fede Ring  Medieval Silver Friendship Fede RingAntiquities And Artefacts Western Asiatic Bronze Dagger Or Shortsword£650 $820.82   €788.13 Western Asiatic Bronze Dagger Or ShortswordTimesAncient
Pre-Columbian Jalisco Pregnant Lady Fertility Fig.£365 $460.92   €442.56 Pre-Columbian Jalisco Pregnant Lady Fertility Fig.TimesAncient Ancient Roman Glass Unguents Flask£160 $202.05   €194 Ancient Roman Glass Unguents FlaskTimesAncient Egyptian Middle Kingdom Alabaster Kohl Jar£240 $303.07   €291 Egyptian Middle Kingdom Alabaster Kohl JarTimesAncient Large Egyptian Faience Amulet Isis Nursing The Infant Horus£1350 $1704.78   €1636.88 Large Egyptian Faience Amulet Isis Nursing The Infant HorusTimesAncient
Necklace Of Ancient Egyptian Beads And Bes Amulet£145 $183.11   €175.81 Necklace Of Ancient Egyptian Beads And Bes AmuletTimesAncient High Quality Ancient Greek Apulian Epichysis£950 $1199.66   €1151.88 High Quality Ancient Greek Apulian EpichysisTimesAncient Roman Oil Lamp With Cista (flaming Altar)£450 $568.26   €545.63 Roman Oil Lamp With Cista (flaming Altar)TimesAncient Rare Medieval Papal Bulla Of Martin V£285 $359.9   €345.56 Rare Medieval Papal Bulla Of Martin VTimesAncient
Greek Canosa Terracotta Statue Of Eros And Psyche£1250 $1578.5   €1515.63 Greek Canosa Terracotta Statue Of Eros And PsycheTimesAncient Large Apulian Gnathian Ware Oinochoe£725 $915.53   €879.06 Large Apulian Gnathian Ware OinochoeTimesAncient Large Egyptian Wadj Amulet Of A Papyrus Sceptre£275 $347.27   €333.44 Large Egyptian Wadj Amulet Of A Papyrus SceptreTimesAncient Roman Oil Lamp With Chariot And Driver£425 $536.69   €515.31 Roman Oil Lamp With Chariot And DriverTimesAncient