Pre 16th Century Ancient Artifacts

Found 322 For Sale and Sold    ( 99 for sale  223 sold )  
Medieval Limoges Enamelled Cross Mount  Medieval Limoges Enamelled Cross MountCollect The Past Silver Roman Spoon  Silver Roman SpoonCollect The Past Anglo Saxon Brooch Group  Anglo Saxon Brooch GroupCollect The Past Viking Thors Hammer Silver Pendant  Viking Thors Hammer Silver PendantCollect The Past
Viking Age Cloth Fragment With Bronze Bands (No2)£80 $101.02   €97 Viking Age Cloth Fragment With Bronze Bands (No2)Forte Antiques York Viking Age Cloth Fragment With Bronze Rings (No1)£130 $164.16   €157.63 Viking Age Cloth Fragment With Bronze Rings (No1)Forte Antiques York Medieval Border Ware Bowl London  Medieval Border Ware Bowl LondonCollect The Past Gold Celtic Iron Age Hair Ring  Gold Celtic Iron Age Hair RingCollect The Past
Viking Bronze Torc (Neck Ring), Mid 9th C AD£285 $359.9   €345.56 Viking Bronze Torc (Neck Ring), Mid 9th C ADForte Antiques York Ancient Chinese Bronze Fish Coin Mould£1000 $1262.8   €1212.5 Ancient Chinese Bronze Fish Coin MouldCheshire Antiques Consultant Chinese Tang Dynasty Horse And Rider (tested)£885 $1117.58   €1073.06 Chinese Tang Dynasty Horse And Rider (tested)CJ Miller Antiques Persian Anatolian Rhyton Cup 1st Millenium BC£300.00 $378.84   €363.75 Persian Anatolian Rhyton Cup 1st Millenium BCLemon Tree Antiques
A RARE Find--in 1958! ROMAN NAILS!£225 $284.13   €272.81 A RARE Find--in 1958! ROMAN NAILS!Those Were The Days Viking Bronze Key   Viking Bronze Key Collect The Past Medieval Stone Head Nobleman  Medieval Stone Head NoblemanCollect The Past Bronze Age English Palstave Axe Head  Bronze Age English Palstave Axe HeadCollect The Past
Medieval Silver Gilt Stirrup - Clasped Hands Ring  Medieval Silver Gilt Stirrup - Clasped Hands RingCollect The Past Roman Head Stud Brooch Enamelled  Roman Head Stud Brooch EnamelledCollect The Past Mid 15th C Rondel Dagger£485 $612.46   €588.06 Mid 15th C Rondel DaggerForte Antiques York The Viking Age Sword, Second Half 10th C£5350 $6755.98   €6486.88 The Viking Age Sword, Second Half 10th CForte Antiques York
A 13th-14th Century Anthropomorphic Vessel£550 $694.54   €666.88 A 13th-14th Century Anthropomorphic VesselYoungs Antiques A Rare Celtic Limestone Marker. C750 -12bc£3500 $4419.8   €4243.75 A Rare Celtic Limestone Marker. C750 -12bcYoungs Antiques Ancient Roman Thumb Seal Ring With Venus  Ancient Roman Thumb Seal Ring With VenusWalcot And Co Roman Period Carved Marble Fragment Of A Left Hand£900.00 $1136.52   €1091.25 Roman Period Carved Marble Fragment Of A Left HandDoe And Hope
Stunning Ancient Hellenistic Terracotta Head Roman£395 $498.81   €478.94 Stunning Ancient Hellenistic Terracotta Head RomanIslamique Antiques Beautiful Islamic Green Glass Bottle C.8th-10thC£490.00 $618.77   €594.13 Beautiful Islamic Green Glass Bottle C.8th-10thCDoe And Hope Rare Fatimid Alabaster Chess Piece  10thC Islamic£7500 $9471   €9093.75 Rare Fatimid Alabaster Chess Piece 10thC IslamicIslamique Antiques Rare Medieval Four Pot Purbeck Stone Mortar   Rare Medieval Four Pot Purbeck Stone Mortar Paul Michael Farnham